GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

JFC just kick me in the dick over and over this round.

Jefferson is in the running for GOAT TV theme song though, so I gotta go with that.

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Brady Bunch theme is…kinda more musically annoying than I remembered it being? I don’t know. I expected to vote for it, but then I listened to it and couldn’t.

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SWAT’s gonna lose this because of the youngs.

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It’s pronounced yoots.

Absolute bloodbath. I had to vote against several that might have won over every other theme in the other brackets.


Wow, I’m the only one holding strong with you on Kotter and you’re gonna do me like this over one transgression?

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Brady Bunch has to be helped immensely by the GOAT visuals to go along with the theme. Still think it’s above average as a theme b/c it’s so catchy and has stuck in so many heads, but the visuals are elite imo.

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Hawaii-5-0 is the best theme song of all time. I’ve been very clear on this and planted my stake in the ground early. I feel like some of you just saw Big Bird and got all weak in the knees with nostalgia for your lost youth.

Your childhood isn’t coming back. We’re all gonna die. Hawaii-5-0 rules.

  • I initially only voted for 3 shows in the Million View Jungle Primary, but I eventually added Dallas late just to be sure I never had to hear Mr. Belvedere again. I don’t really need to hear Dallas ever again, now. The A-Team may be in trouble next round, but it’s more than good enough here.
  • Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh this puts me in the unenviable position of having to vote against my own nominee in the first round. Welcome Back, Kotter sounds like a warm hug from an old friend, but I can’t vote for it over Andy. I should have rigged the bracket so that Kotter easily knocked out something far more forgettable, like WKRP or McGyver or the Munsters
  • Man, Jeffersons at 101 is way underseeded. That theme has enough soul for a whole city block. Flintstones may be more famous, but I’m definitely taking the dog here.
  • Guess I’ll be a dissenter in this pairing. Sopranos is good, but SWAT is right in my wheelhouse. I won’t be too sad if the vote goes the other way, though
  • Another absolutely killer matchup where both should have knocked out some trash. Sesame Street is absolutely perfect at what it sets out to do, but I’d rather re-listen to Hawaii Five-O.
  • Airwolf is pretty cheesy, but the Brady Bunch is just grating. No way do I need to hear that one any more.
  • Rough draw for the Partridge Family. I’d take either of these two over Full House or the Facts of Life.
  • LKJ may have said there was not a bad entry in this block, but we hadn’t gotten to the Facts of Life yet. I’m not the biggest fan of Full House, but the Facts of Life is unworthy.

Which one of these shows is still on the air?

I hated Sesame Street as a kid, so it wasn’t nostalgia. I think it’s a good theme, but was almost 50/50. I think I’d change to Hawaii 5-0 in retrospect. (cue H 5-0 losing by 1 vote)

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I’m sorry, I forgot that was a criteria for BEST THEME SONG OF ALL TIME.



Well in that case, people are morally obligated to listen with their eyes closed, this being a theme tournament and all, because…meh at this theme.

(To be clear, obviously I would want it to wafflecrush MacGyver or whatever the fuck we were just recently voting on, but this is the murderer’s row block.)

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You, uh, can, of course, change your vote as many times as you wish in the next ~46 hrs.

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I’m just saying Big Bird is eating a Hawaiian lunch and is ready to keep eating. Who knows you may end up taking this one once the voting is underway tomorrow.

If the visuals are important to you, and it’s close, go check them out on youtube to break the tie. It’s not like we have to vote on the exact youtube in front of us.

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Oh shit, Hawaii 5-0 crew in the house


Hawaii-5-0 losing in the first round would call into question everything I hold dear.