GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.

I don’t even know what that means. What do you want me to do? I’m just trying to give Beverly Hillbillies a fair shake since right now it starts with 30 seconds of weird stuff. You just need to put &t=32s on the end of the URL. I can’t edit your post.

Beverly Hillbillies is number 2 theme of all time behind The Jeffersons. Vote accordingly, even though I love the Succession theme.

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It gives me a heavy heart to bust out the steel chair and crack Family Matters over the head right after correctly defending its theme, but the Gilligan theme is too good.


I voted Succession on the basis that’s the best theme of the last 10 years and an objectively better tune.

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Agree on 1 hard disagree on 2

I struggled with Succession vs Hillbillies. On some level I wanted to vote Hillbillies because I suspected that voting Succession would team me up with my enemies who voted Saul even though this is a different situation. But ultimately Succession is just the one I’d rather listen to.

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I love the Hillbillies theme but was surprised for my vote to go toward Succession. That gnarly piano track is just too good.

It’s not too late to change your mind

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Fuck all ya’ll

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You broke up the Law and Order shutout? That was weird of you.

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To be fair, Hey Dude is a top 5 kids show theme.

Until I listened to it here, I didn’t know it. But man it didn’t hit like Duck Tales, TMNT, Chip n Dale, Muppet Babies, or Darkwing do in my book.


Block 2:

  • Not really sure how Stranger Things got so many views. Do people really love listening to arpeggios that much? Without ever having seen the show, I’m pretty confident that the show is better than the theme. NFL on Fox is really strong.
  • Not a big fan of either of these. I’ll probably take NFL on Fox once again, but for now, the Persuaders.
  • X-Files vs. Batman TAS is the hardest matchup of the block for me. Both themes really accomplish what they set out to do, but ultimately, X-Files is more eerie than Batman is heroic, so I lean that way.
  • Gilligan’s Island is perhaps beatable, but it’s really strong for a show that debuted before most of us were alive. I’m not a big fan of Family Matters.
  • Batman is an ear worm, but also, it sucks. Minor seconds can only take you so far. Boondocks is so much better.
  • Hey Dude is trash. L&O all the way.
  • I haven’t actually watched Succession, and Beverly Hillbillies succeeds in what it sets out to do. Still, the “…that is” cheese is too cheesy, and the Succession theme is pretty sophisticated. I dig it.

Ok fine, top 10

It’s not even the top kid’s show theme in this block with only 2 kid’s shows.

Succession’s theme is as overrated as everything else in that show.

Yeah, I get it. If I want to watch a show devoted to rich (wo)man-children demonstrating they are incapable of happiness give me the first few seasons of Bojack Horseman. (Better theme song, too.)

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The Stranger Things theme song was really diifficult to accomplish and it works perfectly for the show. It’s worth reading about. The best part of it is the sumptuous bass.

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Yellowstone in NYC

I disagree, Salute your Shorts is great but Hey Dude is better.