GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

GBU is such a classic. Been used throughout tv and movies to represent a certain feel. Indy has a similar note for adventure themes but it’s not as replicated.


It appears that we found a hero. We need one more.

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I had to switch. Head over heart.


You sir, are a hero

Getting robbed of a John Williams final

We all make bad decisions in life


There’s still three hours. Anything could happen.

About the only injustices in this tourney are Jurassic Park running into Indiana Jones too early, and 2001 not being punished enough for not being an original theme. Finalists look good.

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Also, round of applause for @LFS for running the votes. That is a bunch of work. I do hope you’re willing to do a 3/4 vote? I think this is a good spot for one.


Thanks to you both

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Happy to be of service!

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What’s a 3/4 vote?

nm figured it out from context—consolation match

Yeah took me a minute too.

Championship - Matchup 127

#12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly


#19 Star Wars theme

#12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly vs. #19 Star Wars theme
  • #12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

  • #19 Star Wars theme

0 voters

Consolation Game to Determine Third Place

#16 Indiana Jones theme


#10 James Bond 007

#16 Indiana Jones theme vs. #10 James Bond 007
  • #16 Indiana Jones theme.

  • #10 James Bond 007

0 voters

Now unlike the semifinals, where I thought the correct choices were pretty clear despite the runners-up being really strong, I could honestly flip a coin to cast my vote in both of these. Razor-thin quality margins at most here.


As much as I love GBU, it will always be Star Wars for me.

Thanks LFS! And congrats forum for getting this one right after butchering the TV theme bracket beyond recognition.


Just a shame that Bryan Adams got cut like a knife so early in the competition

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I did a thing

The Jeffersons won, nothing got butchered because of that. This one was much much worse.

Everything but the Jeffersons got butchered. Hawaii-5-0 lost to Sesame Street in the first round. That would be like Star Wars losing to that Bryan Adams song.