Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

True. Despite apparently confusing the Democratic Party with the left you are right about other stuff!


Not yet at least.

How am I confusing them?

Iā€™m not 100% sure you are or what youā€™re saying. Are you saying people here shouldnā€™t jump all over GG because he criticizes the ā€œleftā€? In that case, youā€™re confusing the Democratic Party with the left.

Wow, human beings are complex and multi-faceted and Glenn Greenwald is no exception. It seems that some in the thread think Greenwald is a principled anti-fascist journalist worthy of heaps of praise. I think he is none of those things and have absolutely nothing nice to say about him.

Greenwaldā€™s media criticisms are absolutely ridiculous.Like most of his complaining about Russiagate is stuff that is later corrected, retracted or put simply forward from the start as speculation that may or may not be confirmed. Meanwhile most foxnews viewers still think Iraq had WMDs or Obama wasnā€™t born in the US. So Russiagate is not even close to the worst reporting in US history or whatever nonsense Greenwald peddles.

Iā€™m sure the charges are ridiculous and immoral,though I canā€™t say Iā€™m familiar with any of his reporting on Brazil. I do think the fact that he and everybody knew the danger is relevant in terms of how strongly the US responds. If this was out of the blue the specific response to this should be much stronger. But as it is we already knew bolsonaro sucks and this is just another reason.

Given that Trump has basically been a Russian asset since his election, the existence of the pee tape is irrelevant except as confirmation and embarrassment. Heā€™s consistently believed Russiaā€™s word over that of his own intelligence agencies and basically prostrated himself in front of Putin on the world stage. Greenwald and anyone else who thought that Russia wouldnt have undue influence over Trump were wrong! Ffs we have Republican members of Congress parroting Russian propaganda at an impeachment hearing.

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Iā€™m saying we need to be very careful of the super strong tendency to categorize everyone as us or them, good or bad, in or out.

Some people seem to act like Greenwald is literally no different than an alt-right troll. Itā€™s nuts.


Nothing Trump says is reliable, including his bro kisses to Putin.

What has the US actually been doing vis a vi Russia? Letā€™s ask the foreign policy establishment that polices Russia policy.

Foreign Policy magazine:

none of the fears generated by his early statements on Russia have become a reality. If you strip away his ostensibly chummy personal relationship with Putin, Trumpā€™s Russia policy has been drastically more assertive than that of his predecessor.

The article Trumpā€™s Russia Policy Is Better Than Obamaā€™s Was lists a series of punishing economic sanctions imposed or strengthened under Drumpf.

More points:

More than tripled defense initiatives to deter Russian aggression in Europeā€¦ selling Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. . . . Expanded the Magnitsky sanctions list.

We should add the insanely reckless decision to withdraw from Ronald Reaganā€™s INF nuclear arms limitation treaty with the Soviets / Russia.

Whatever his scrambled whims, Trump has acceded to anti-Russia hardliners in the US foreign policy community.

Putin, your blackmail failed. Time to release the pee tape you fucker.

Russia collusion was a good story to pursue, but it did not pan out. Deal.

Might want to read the Muller Report, spanky.

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Heā€™s the keed of journalist, I donā€™t want keed in jail, but I donā€™t want the government getting involved with him either.

Done to death. See previous UP website.

Surely the principle is more important than your hate of GG.

I donā€™t think Tucker Carlson should be charged with a crime for doing journalism and he is obviously pure cancer.

First item in this story: Authorized lethal military aid to Ukraine. I also know that some of these changes were made over Trumpā€™s objections. And the fact stands that he consistently takes Putinā€™s side over his own intelligence agencies.

Also FP is usually good but this dude sounds like an R slappy and has the credentials to prove it.

Here Iā€™ll post my own article that I didnā€™t read: Trump's Foreign Policy Is 'The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened' to Putin and Russia, Intelligence Expert Says

This is supposed to be a gotcha?

We know why he dicked around with Ukraine and it had zilch to do with your claim that Drumpf is a Russian asset.

Fact remains, he eventually released the arms to Ukraine, which Obama did not do and Putin hates. Putin canā€™t be happy with his tank crews getting carbonized by US Javelins.

I read all of both articles. They are hugely different. Foreign Policy listed a series of significant, concrete acts that go against Russia. Your source only notes Trump blather. No actual policy changes that undermine Nato. The guy just claims that Trump is dividing the alliance, forgetting the fact that NO ONE takes his spouting seriously. It is a perfect example of Russia collusion hysteria being based on nothing but a biological random quote generator.

You have it backwards, I donā€™t care about GG. I care about the US stepping in to tell other countries how to run.

I found it guys! Proof of Trump/Russia secret alliance.

Sputnik News is reporting:

Trump ā€˜Falls Into a Trapā€™ by Signing New Anti-Russian Sanctions

Since we know Trump favors Putin, a Russian news agency would not normally embarrass the Donald with a headline

This article is clearly a plant to obscure the true relationship during the critical moment of Trumpā€™s trial in the Senate.

Taking back everything about GG.

Youā€™re giving Trump credit for his administrationā€™s actions; Iā€™m going off what he personally says and appears to desire, which is subservience to Putin. Trump insulting and threatening NATO and isolating us from our allies is absolutely relevant! Trump withholding vital aid because it was worth more to him as a tool of political extortion is also relevant! He repeats Russian propaganda! GTFO with these right wing slapdick ā€œtoughest on Russiaā€ talking points

How many times do you think this has happened?

Thatā€™s how a presidency ought to be judged. A president is responsible for his administrationā€™s actions.