Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

I hadn’t thought about Greenwald in months, he’s pure comedy now

My understanding is that the bill doesn’t even codify Obergefell

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Heres Knowledge Fight covering the entire Q&A Greenwald hosted with Alex Jones


I don’t know man. I think it’s a bad piece. Like here is what Yabbadabbadoopolis said on Maher:

“I don’t have a problem with it,” Yiannopoulos said, “but I think that women and girls should be protected from men who are confused about their sexual identities in their bathrooms.”

“That’s not unreasonable,” Maher said.

“Well (transgender people) are disproportionately involved in those sorts of sex crimes,” Yiannopoulos interjected. calling it a “psychiatric disorder” and saying “most gays have a very long road to coming to terms with their sexuality.”

Do you actually think Greenwald would have changed his opinion that this is trans-hating? Because I don’t. This is actually to Greenwald’s point about conflation of TERFyness with outright transphobia. Like it’s very easy to make an argument that talking about the need to “protect women and girls” from trans women who are “disproportionately involved in sex crimes” creates a dangerous environment for trans people. It’s a lot less easy to argue that people who are like “maybe trans women shouldn’t be considered the same as cis women in some circumstances, or at the very least maybe that’s an opinion people should be able to have” creates a dangerous environment for trans people. And in fact Higgins can’t do it, so he resorts to the good old “ah yes but this rhetoric gives cover to those who ARE actually saying things dangerous to trans people” which is a line of argument I think is complete garbage and have zero patience for. It’s purely a guilt-by-association argument.

Has Glenn weighed in yet on Trump’s classified information theft and crimes?

In all fairness, the way The Espionage Act is being contorted is bullshit. It was never meant to be used against people like Snowden and wasn’t against Trump either.

That is unless there is evidence that Trump was sending whatever he took to foreign powers. In which case, yeah it’s definitely right. So far, no word of that yet.

What is Kiwi Farms?

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The annoying thing is that I think he’s right that the move towards top-down censorship is dangerous, but I think his prescription - MORE FREEZE PEACH! - is not the answer. I think what’s required is more radical change where we acknowledge that media is dangerous and can be the cause of social problems and treat it as such, rather than allowing it to be weaponized in the pursuit of profit.

By analogy with drugs, Glenn is criticising the “war on drugs” approach, but what he advocates for instead is the “let’s allow corner stores to sell meth” approach. I don’t see any advocates out there for the “let’s not outright censor but maybe let’s not let the free market go HAM on this either” approach.

I assume Yglesias has written enough stuff (such as this article) challenging progressivism to fail the political purity tested end up in this thread. Thought this was a pretty good article by Yglesias. I have often thought that even if everything progressives say about racial discrimination and racism in America is true (I dont think much of it is, but that isn’t relevant) it is very clear that focusing on racism the way we do is actively making things worse.

Yglesias argues if we dropped the racial rhetoric and focused on improving the social safety net for everyone, it would be a much more effective tactic in closing the racial wealth gap.

Of course I am cynical and believe the focus on race to stop any meaningful wealth distribution down is exactly the point. Occupy Wall Street happened in 2011 and the elites didn’t like it. So through anecdotes like Trayvon Martin, Eric Gardner, BLM, etc. they made the narrative all about racism, and predictably race relations got worse, the political power of the proletariat class fragmented, and since then the elites have enjoyed unparalleled accumulation of resources, all while pushing narratives of racial and gender discrimination and grievances.

–Very peculiar how the intense national focus on racism and racial grievance, creating frayed race relations, has coincided with wealth distribution shifting hard to the wealthy.

Anti-blackness is a defining feature of America. It is ongoing. The data is in every field all the time. It is widely ignored and disbelieved. Above is one of the thousands of examples every day. That is willful ignorance aided by a news media which doesn’t tell the story, regardless of how many times the word racist is in the Washington Post.

Now the claim that shutting up about white supremacy will make policy objectives easier might be true. It’s incredible cowardice though. Just acknowledging how pervasive white supremacy seems like the very minimum standard of decency.

So the most important thing is to be brave and decent, even if it is objectively making things worse for the people we supposedly are trying to help. And it is just a giant happenstance that the brave/decent course of action we have been undertaking the last decade or so seems to be coinciding with a giant wealth transfer to the top 1%.

Fair enough.


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Of course Glenn frames this as VIOLATING LEFT-LIBERAL DOGMA because of his obsessive need to blame everything on LIBERAL HYPOCRISY or whatever but I don’t think he is wrong that this is alarming. Forget “gays against groomers” whatever that is (I’m not clicking), here PayPal are notifying an leftist indy media outlet that they can no longer use payment services, with no reason given:

PayPal later reversed this decision, again with no explanation.

It’s one thing if you get kicked off Facebook or Twitter or whatever, it’s fine that it’s their decision what to publish and not publish. Shutting down access to financial services is something a lot more sinister in my view. I’m not saying it should NEVER be done but it’s a bit like getting someone fired from their job, attacking someone’s ability to make a living should not be done lightly. I can easily imagine this being extended to, like, “hate speech against Israel”.

He loves watching immigrants being mistreated while simultaneously being one himself.

Also seems to be a fan of transphobia given his defense of this “Gays Against Groomers” group which is only against grooming because it considers advocating for a gender spectrum and affirming people’s right to sex reassignment surgery “grooming”.

More or less quibbling about where the line is drawn. I still haven’t clicked on the gays for groomers thing but I assume it’s trans advocates are groomers who are sexualising our kids etc. If I found out someone was behind an account of that type I would not out them to their employer and try to get them fired. If they went to the Charlottesville rally I would. I guess this is a bit different in that they are monetising the speech. But in general I’m comfortable with public pressure determining who does and doesn’t get to use services like Facebook to propagate their message, and less comfortable with public pressure deciding who does and doesn’t get to have money.

I don’t really know a whole lot about it but it’s not an anonymous troll account its one of those “dems are the real bigots” grifts that makes republicans feel better about being shitty people. Their founder was on Tucker Carlson whining about big tech censorship this week and this dumb video just went viral and is being blasted all over twitter.

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So essentially the gay version of Terfs?

I wonder how theyll feel when the assholes that agree with them take away their rights for being gay.