Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

What is this mob justice he is talking about?


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Making conservatives feel bad. Maybe universal background checks in the distant future

You mean the definition you want him to be using

The lending of support is not the reason it’s a proxy war and is not the beginning of US involvement

Then offer up a better definition that better delineates between helping a country avoid their own genocide and spurring a country to fight a war they do not want to fight at all.

To add, I think it is morally acceptable to supply arms to people under threat of genocide who want to fight back against that genocide. If you want to call doing that a proxy war, I don’t care. If you want to call all proxy wars bad, even if that means you think arming a people defending against their own genocide is bad, you have some ‘splainin’ to do. Even if you think the main motivation for the US government arming the Ukrainians is because they want to weaken Russia rather than preventing genocide, doing the right thing for the wrong reason is still right.

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no i dont.

When the USA and Russia are each spending resources over decades to subvert Ukranian democracy in order to try to make leaders of the Ukranian state either pro-Russia or pro-USA, given the rivalry between USA and Russia, why is “proxy” a useless or improper term to describe the situation?

If Russia began spending resources to violently meddle in the Latin American states that USA has been, do you not think USA would view this as reason to design a “defensive” invasion in Latin America? Or it doesn’t even have to be so close to USA as the crow flies. We have examples in the Middle East.

Why is it then “whataboutism” to describe the state of the world and mention USA’s involvement, rather than a description of cause and effect? Why is it not worth noting that the USA-Russia rivalry causes tremendous death, destruction, and displacement in third party states? Why is this less useful than describing Russia as a singular evil led by a singular madman? Is there some illusion that this kind of thing isn’t inevitable due to USA-Russia rivalry, and will change without a change in the general pattern of the dynamics between powerful states in this world?

i know it is killing russians to admit that in fact the greater “west” is living better than they are and the collective “west” military is greater than the reds. and it hurst so much more that their “little brothers”, or the dumb “khokhols”, would rather live like the EU, rather than keep tightening the belts while the the tsar and his boyars are tightening the screws.

is it a rivalry, or simple jealosy? who knows, i am not freud. is it an imperialist national idea or simply propaganda in pursuit of permanent political power? again, i can’t tell you what it was without at least knowing the decade we are talking about, and listening to some podcasts. but in reality it doesn’t matter.

it’s obvious the proxy wars as extensions of the cold war were hugely detrimental to russia’s past, present, and at least the near future. it literally set them back hundreds of years, as you can’t unsee the parallel timelines of this war and the one in War and Peace!

can i say the same about usa, especially disconnecting the judgement from whether the west “won” the cold war? on the one hand, they spent trillions on useless wars, like the russians, which killed hundreds of thousands, like the russians, and propped up quite a few dictatorships, like the russians. on the other hand, between the proxy wars and atrocities, western policy did achieve some things, if only for themselves. and western societies did become more liberal, even as that minimal historic progress took much too long.

and yet, here we are discussing the two hegemonies as “more alike than different”. which is just ignoring that the difference was enough for HALF of eastern europe, and even the brotherly nation of Ukraine, to decide “fuck that guy gorbachev/yeltsin/putin, i’ll take my chances with some form of democracy.” and that doesn’t even cover the other HALF of central asia and the caucuses who have been at war for independence from russia for 300 years, and whose leaders are CURRENTLY propped up by putin’s regime.

so, in conclusion, it is perfectly fine to engage in comparisons between USA and Russia, as historians will eventually do. it’s probably poor timing to do it as smerch’ rockets are raining down on what is left of mariupol, but hey, these are our everyday trolley problems now. but it is important to use this chance to reevaluate the motives, and make sure it helps a willing nation to self-determination, than an population unwilling to change regimes.

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LOLOLOL no racial hierarchy to Tucker’s spew.

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My Dad is barely online.


So weird that a ‘progressive’ would support Tucker Carlson and Russia. Wonder what connects those two topics?

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I still have no idea what joke you’re trying to make.

Oh I get it now. Could be interpreted either way but since you were replying to me I determined “your” to apply to me.

he was talking about keeed which he tagged in that post, but you probably can’t see because you have them on ignore.

No I see it. But he was replying to me. So I was confused.

One annoyance in the forum software is that if you make a post replying to someone, as far as I’m aware there is no way to change that in an edit.


God, he is such a tedious writer. I think he’s improved a little in the last 17 years but he’s still like this. Beating every point into the ground for an additional whole paragraph after we already get it.

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