Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Why does he think there are two months between Election Day and Inauguration? For fun lame duck sweats?

You should really consider not slobbering all over reporters who “don’t tend to get into details”.

That seems like a huge leak for a reporter.

Glenn Greenwald is for a wall. Did he not go into details.






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lol “laments” and “lauds”. They were discussing if the Republicans actually have a chance of appealing to working class voters. Taibbi was skeptical as to if any Republicans going forward are going to be able to, Greenwald points out that Trump did in the 2016 campaign, that Bannon’s infastructure/wall/trade platform does have broad appeal to working class voters. It’s obviously true.

Glenn sees how profitable the deplorable grift is. He’s just lying in wait for his own FOX News show. He’d give FOX News the gay friend to show that they’re not homophobic.


Guess Matt’s going with the self-hating liberal grift too

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Nice, can’t wait to listen

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Interesting podcast, thanks for the heads up

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I’m not going to listen to it, but cliff’s?

They talked about how journalism was changing, and how they both agreed it was for the worse. Reporters used to care if they got something wrong and had to issue a correction, now it seems like they don’t give a shit anymore. Taibbi says that’s because the NYT readership, for example, won’t hold the paper accountable financially if they fuck up. And they both think it’s a bad trend that papers don’t do retractions as much as they used to, oftentimes if they screw up they’ll just stealth edit it rather than say what they got wrong. Taibbi attributes a lot of this shift to the fact that 40 years ago newsrooms were full of working class people, today they’re full of Ivy League grads. He had the interesting example of Primary Colors, the “novel” based on the Clinton 1992 campaign. He said an actual reporter would have written a devastating feature on what he saw, instead you get a fawning, sympathetic novel that was transparently about the Clinton campaign. He says this represents a huge shift: the working class media would try to hold the politicians to account, whereas the Ivy League media sees its job as interlocutors, who need to explain and defend what the elites are doing to the ignorant unwashed masses.

Taibbi also says that he’s worried about social media censorship and cites a recent example where it changed his behavior. He wanted to title his pre-election piece “Vote For Neither” but he was worried he’d get banned by Twitter for attempting to suppress the vote.

I’m sure there’s more but I didn’t take notes or anything, just what I recall offhand.


Cool, some interesting points, thanks for typing that up.

Although interesting he picked the NYT for his example of readers not holding their newspaper of choice responsible for mistakes, ha


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What’s most insidious about Glenn is that he clearly doesn’t believe in most of these conspiracy theories out there but has no problem advocating for a media environment that allows damaging misinformation to flow unrestricted.

It’s a libertarian mindset where ideas compete with each other and the ones that are the most believable become the most truthful. It’s an incredibly destructive perspective to have since it creates an environment where people try to construe information based on how catchy it is rather than how truthful it is.


And its another one of those dumb slippery slope arguments when we have ~15 years of evidence of it being wrong. The “right ideas” don’t win out on social media. We know this. Algorithms are constructed based on this.