"Get used to me slaying": The Journal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Drink water and don't be racist

No one should ever be onboard with with any politician one hundred percent…

He made a criticism of AOC that was well within reason and at least two people trolled him with the No True Scotsman thing, not a rebuttal of what he said, but casting him disloyal/outsider/ingrate/something like that. Not a strawman.


Bernie never joined the party. I don’t think he did. Much to his credit of course.

AOC is still more radical and revolutionary than he is.

No true Scotsman progressive would vote for Pelosi as speaker without extracting a M4A roll call vote.

You’re probably right, it was all performative the whole time. I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.


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Am I OK? What do you mean?



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I’m just reading the plain text of this particular post:

Unquestioned stanning of politicans is for literal children and liberals

As far as I can tell, he’s attributing a position (that of unquestioned stanning of politicians) to someone (who knows who) who has not actually taken that position. Case closed, textbook strawman.

Now if he was intending to comment on or respond to the posts that you’re referring to, he should have done that. (And add failure to do that to my list of ways that post was bad.)

( twitter | raw text )


This is gross af.


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( twitter | raw text )

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What’s gross about it? Seems perfectly fair to me.


Parties and party loyalty are gross. In a fair world it would be possible to be a powerful elected official in the government without being a party member and swearing allegiance to it. In this current world, that everyone knows is not fair like that, it’s gross for one of the two viable parties to even ask someone to swear allegiance, loyalty, and that you recognize the party authority over who allowable leaders are.

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On the one hand you’re a huge statist and supporter of the government, so you obviously aren’t against people being subservient and loyal to an organization, but on the other hand, you support public vs private authority right? Right now there are two private organizations that absolutely run the government. The parties serve their own masters in many ways, but even disregarding that, these are private organizations with a monopoly on elected offices calling for loyalty from public officials.

Guess they dont want non dems to vote for them.

Doesn’t seem like it. 36% of the electorate registered independent? Who cares?