"Get used to me slaying": The Journal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Drink water and don't be racist

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Apparently some socialists are mad because the speaker of the house isn’t a republican.

They probably voted for Trump.

I said before nothing you do will ever be good enough for them. Some of the ones in office are learning this.

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What has been done that socialists should feel is good enough for them? Looking forward to your comprehensive list of accomplishments that should make a socialist nod their head and say, yup that’s good enough for me.


Wheatrich is just a very conservative Democrat. I don’t think he’s that into identity politics.

It is concern trolling. There is absolutely no way in hell that he would vote for AOC in a primary.


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To be fair the flag hugging is fucking hilarious and easily one of the best things about Trump. Flag hugging, jerk off two dudes YMCA dancing, and telling the 7-year-old that Santa belief is pretty marginal at that age are probably my top three Trump moments.

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that santa call was absolute GOAT

Do we need a draft of Trump moments?



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This wasn’t a primary for the Speaker of the House right? They weren’t voting for which Democrat was going to run. No Republicans were going to vote for Pelosi. Do I have this right? If so, this is just her voting for Biden in the General only in a vote 10000 times closer than the swingiest of swing states.


Not sure this is quite analogous.

In this case, since there are only so many votes (435) and the D/R margin so close, each individual vote has a ton of power. Therefore, a bunch of progressives could have banded together and made the vote on Pelosi conditional in exchange for certain things.

But that’s still a game of chicken. If they don’t vote for Pelosi, a Republican (McCarthy) would have won.

So, she basically had to vote for Pelosi. We don’t know if she got anything in exchange, we don’t know if the progressives could trust any promises for anything in exchange and we don’t know if strategically it’s smarter to not fight it.

They could have forced the Democrats to run someone else if they wanted to win the Speakership. Personally I think that Pelosi has been so awful that anyone else would be better and that this would be a worthy goal

Or we can just do lesser of two evils for the rest of time and humanity, and commit to be ruled by evil forever

I’m not sure about the details but I saw some discussion that there were enough votes for Jeffries which would have lead to no one getting a majority so McCarthy wouldn’t have won and there would be a second vote which is where Pelosi has to do some dealing to get the votes for a majority

Yes, that’s the reason AOC et al had a lot of power here.

This I agree with.

They just tell the Dems hey, it’s McCarthy if you don’t replace her or concede to our demands. Sorry not sorry. Then the Dems get to decide whether they want McCarthy or someone else. Progressives could have forced the choice back into the establishment but didn’t care to.

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The normal procedure is that they vote privately within the Democratic caucus and agree to support the winner. No one was offering to challenge Pelosi this time around and opposition has been hard to find in previous years. She was probably helped by promising that this is her last term.

I have a bit of a suspicion that Joe Crowley was her planned successor and she was going to quit by now if he hadn’t lost.

Pelosi calls their bluff and dares them to vote for McCarthy.