"Get used to me slaying": The Journal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Drink water and don't be racist

Thank you, working hard!

What about pvn’s post?

Are we throwing AOC under the bus now?


And this post?

( twitter | raw text )

She’s clearly Not Truly Left so yeah.

I honestly don’t know what to do with this and I think it just points out the futility of rules against personal attacks.


This is a personal attack too.


Somewhere between getting burned and a three week shitfest there is a line that may take some time to find. But in general, if you can’t take someone burning you without feeling the need to then follow them around the forum responding to every post they make with “nana-boo-boo” perhaps the internet isn’t for you?

Shut the fuck up clown

Same goes for the rest of the centrist clown car crew

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maybe you should elaborate on your post a bit then

And there we have it. It’s like a slow motion/stop action explosion.

I’m pretty salty about people who I guarantee you will find a reason to vote against AOC if they get the chance concern trolling about people who will surely vote for her saying the slightest thing critical about her.


Are the “centrists” (not a personal attack obv) not allowed to take a victory lap after correctly calling a year ago that the “insert non-derogatory term for too online leftists” would turn on AOC long before we would?

If this forum can’t differentiate between “Yeah, watch your tone, AOC!” and “Shut the fuck up clown” then we are beyond doomed.

How is this not any more bad faith than the posts attacking Victor?

Uh, that was not Victor turning on AOC. It’s hard to imagine someone thinking that generally agreeing with someone demands such absolute deference and loyalty.

How is it bad faith? You don’t think I believe it? (and I’m not talking about her running against Trump or something LDO)

“Lol ya but that was bc of Trump. Lol progs. Lol Dems. Lol house.” I don’t know how to read this post in another way besides generally being fed up with her.