"Get used to me slaying": The Journal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Drink water and don't be racist

There was a worker shortage in low wage jobs and low unemployment.


“The hardest-to-find workers are no longer computer engineers. They are home health care aides, restaurant workers, and hotel staff.”

The realty is training people for better work is good. But until you pay all people a living wage there will be problems.

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Lol, you ran off to Canada because you think the situation is so dire in the US and you think we have the political capital to uproot the college education system in a sane manner… I agree college is shit in the US, I have thought that for a long time, I went to a “great” college two decades ago and barely thought it made sense for me economically then… it’s mind boggling that “lesser” colleges cost double or triple that these days… of course this is something that should be addressed in a functioning society… I have thought that for probably a decade… but again a functioning society is something that we are not even close to having at the moment.

I just don’t get what this would be cutting in front of in this “line” of things that can be down with executive order to help people financially

The whole point is there isn’t a line, there are a handful of buttons that Biden is allowed to push and student loan forgiveness of existing debts is one of them. Either Yes, do it or No, you must wait until win more elections…

Free college should be contingent on significantly reduced tuition costs to same levels. Cut other federal funding if a school chooses not to participate.

Yeap. It’s the “doing something” equivalent of electing Biden to “make things better.” Not worse isn’t better!

Another thing to realise. Who uses the benefit of education vs who pays the taxes.

Free tertiary education is a massive redistribution of wealth from the parents of poor kids to the children of rich parents.

It’s essentially a regressive tax.

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I don’t know if you checked the election results over there in Canada but Ds only won 48 Senate seats. No amount of incoherent, angry rambling from you will change that fact. Forgiving student loans is the best that can be done right now, yes or no?

We already have a program to forgive debt for people who do public service for 10 years. So do nothing, got it.

I don’t understand why you’re mad. Because we’re fools to cheer a little bit of progress knowing that there are more problems to solve? My understanding is that this whole shit show started because it’s possible Biden could put student loan payments on hold by executive order. Should he not do that because it doesn’t make us less capitalist or make college less of a rip off?

JT is simply taking “liberalism” to its inevitable conclusion… misanthrope.

No point in explaining why things are the way they are to him, all those explanations boil down humans sucking, both individually and collectively, and that infuriates him.

There’s a reasonable argument that Obamacare as we know it is the best that Joe Lieberman was going to allow in his capacity as the 60th vote to end a filibuster.

The point of loan forgiveness is that it was identified as something that Democrats can do without control of the Senate. It might not be the first in line, but it could be the first in line that can actually be accomplished. If it is, should Democrats pass it and tout it as an accomplishment or should they hold off and wait for a bigger priority to get passed by a McConnell-controlled Senate because the optics might be bad?

Given current political conditions and realities, if this is not the best we can do, then what is?

having a degree that just helps you in nothing but statistically makes you lead a healthier lifestyle with a smaller carbon footprint seems worthwhile. cherry on top if it makes you a better voter.

I am befuddled at the tone of this conversation.


So fucking tone deaf… Trump’s actions after the election and the embrace of them by Rs show we are barely staving off white power authoraritarism and turning into Russia… And you are very comfortably smug up there in Canada bemusing improvements to the college education system that we have no power to implement…

My dad predicted the US would go this way like 15 years ago, said an ethnic majority never goes down quitely… unfortunately his home country went the Civil War route so unlike you I am unable to flee and thumb my nose at everybody.

Cancel debt for non college grads?


I don’t feel attacked because I’m a college grad. If I was a privileged douche who got handed everything maybe I would, but I am not so… I just think you are a misanthropic idiot lashing out at everyone because you rightfully hate the state of the world and want to take it out on everybody.

I am far from comfortable… I think if we don’t find a way to turn things around quickly with non-college educated folks they are going to burn this country down and don’t think I am getting out unscathed, would gladly give up pretty much everything to avoid that happening…

Like I really, really wish they gave us the power to push Biden to the left and save us all, but they didn’t. And now we have to find a way forward through this clusterfuck.

Unfortunately they seem intent on following the R propaganda in the wrong direction and I don’t know how to change that… 10 years ago the “liberal bubble” wasn’t really a thing, people talked different and had different hobbies in the country but that was about it. Now its God, Guns, Country, Trump everywhere, get a random guy telling me he heard AOC advocated eating aborted babies, Creepy Joe, its fucked…

Or flee the country like you did and then mock the people stuck here for grasping at the straws available with our non-existant power…



Right, you fled the country because you see the hopelessness of the situation. In a functioning country, we should able to say for example “college education costs are out of control and need to be slashed”… if establishment Ds won’t do it then we will just primary them again and again until it gets done. And then we go down the list fixing each problem the same way.

Why wouldn’t I be all for that, accusing me of being in the pocket of Big College or something like that in my subconscious?

But we have so much bullshit flooding the system from all directions that we are correctly telling you that even that is a pipe dream… again which you acknowledge by fleeing the country…