"Get used to me slaying": The Journal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Drink water and don't be racist

Best we can do lol


You’re missing the point. And since this is the third time its been explained I can only assume it is intentional. We get it, you don’t like centrist libs. Neither do I.

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I guess I just don’t get the objection. It is literally impossible to implement better policy on this issue right now, so I’m confused what other thing you think Joe Biden should do.

Yep, I think your perspective is outdated and wrongheaded. 67% of high school graduates go to college. 88% of young people graduate high school. So 58% go to college.


You said these people were heading for the 1% but obviously only 1% can end up in the 1%, and 58%>>>>>>>1%. College debt stays with you forever, not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

When you take a look at reality and not just the successful people around you, it’s not hard to figure out a lot of people are getting well and truly fucked.

Take the average debt cancelation and give those without debt a check for that amount idk just give money to help people


This is absolutely the right take.

“But they might buy steak with the money! They should have made better choices!”

GTFO this is Fox News level bullshit.


most developed countries guarantee public education through secondary school. we just need to transition to a guarantee through college. every person gets four years at a public university, and they should be able to do those four years at any point in their life, e.g. during unemployment.

this alone is a good price control, the availability of a free option. harvard at $200k vs $0k at a different school would make many think. and in order not to drop attendance at private universities they should really be signed up to have like half of the students attend at the price government negotiates and pays, with regulations on how those funds are going to boost educational services (instructors, etc) rather than football coach salary obv. at some point universities will likely change the percentage of students at government price to maximize profit. also probably needs a matching system like med schools do, but that’s basically it.

point is that education will be more realistic for a larger number of people. transition can work by phasing in one year of eligibility at a time. allows current students to delay college if needed, and everyone who wants to go back to school do that.

on top of that universal pre-K and K also needs to happen. likely a bigger thing but worse politically, because dems need votes now

I agree that college is largely bullshit, it’s a social marker. And tons of people are encouraged to gamble to get that social marker by pretty much everyone in society and 58% of them do it…I’m not down for punishing people who did what society told them to at age 18… that’s a very conservative mindset and why you correctly feel you are “getting push back from the left.”

I had student loans and paid them back. And yet.

A huge percentage of people with student debt are poor people who were trying to get into the middle class and were exploited by a rotten system. Your “its a handout to rich kids” line is not supported by evidence. And “they should have lived within their means” is lifted right out of the conservative media playbook.


Agree college is pretty useless

We should help the people that went into debt for such a useless endeavor

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Actually what we are saying is that you have a skewed opinion by all these connected people you resent. You are attributing have life handed to them due to college instead of life just um, being handed to them. Vast majority of people who go to college are nothing like that.

Student loan derail in two threads, maybe it should be excised?

Yes, your whole screed is about how well connected people use college to connect with each other.

Your 2nd point is that when you take out the connections, the college degree isn’t worth shit. I largely agree, which is why I think we should forgive the debt of people we told to take out massive debt to obtain that worthless degree when they were 18.

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Forgiveness is not paying the colleges. The US government already gave the colleges the money when tuition was due. The loan is currently in the student’s name with the US government being the lender. Loan is non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, meaning it’s sticks to the individual until the day they die.

Honestly, I think you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about because you are making zero sense. Students were preyed upon by universities but we must not help them… because reasons…

So again, if we can’t fix everything at once we can’t fix anything?




Before COVID, not sure now, we had a worker shortage in low wage jobs. The problem is there was still stagnant wage growth and no living wage requirements in those jobs. Until you start paying people in the service world a living wage there will be problems.

Those low wages are how little they had to pay before low wage workers became scarce. It’s like the nursing shortage or the trucking shortage… what they really have is a shortage of people willing and able to do that work willing to work for what they pay. It’s pay low enough that a sizable % of people just say ‘fuck it I’m not doing that for that kind of money’. There are homeless people who looked at the option of being homeless and thought it was better than working at McDonalds forever to pay for a 400 a month apartment on the wrong side of town.

The labor force participation rate charted back 40 years speaks for itself. We have a huge glut of unskilled labor that is losing ground to robots every day.