
Just go to your local garden center and ask for the Phallic Asparagus.

I honestly don’t recall the name, sorry. I’ve got standard green and purple. I don’t notice a taste difference, the purple turns greenish when cooked. I’ve had patches at two different houses and the purple does seem to me to grow thicker at the start.

If any of you love asparagus, highly recommend growing it. Can’t be any easier after you get it planted. The only thing I need to do year after year is weeding or mulching and then keeping an eye out for asparagus beetles.

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Got two Better Boy tomato plants for the trellis on my 4’x4’ raised bed. Also got one cherry tomato in a planter with a built in cage. This plant is already large and already has flowers, which seems unusual for New Hampshire in late May. It’s called Husky Cherry Red, so I’ll look it up later. I haven’t tried growing a tomato in a container, so I’ll have to see how it goes.

Our loose leaf lettuce is producing a ton and we’ve been harvesting from plants as they continue to grow. But we are getting more than we need so I harvested a couple of whole plants and then put in a sweet mint, a German thyme, and an Italian parsley. I’ll put some more herbs in later as I eventually the lettuce will bolt. (Probably in July)


Canterbury bells?

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Are they bulbs? I think most bulbs are one and done. Things like tulips and lilies, etc. Also shrubs like rhododendrons and azaleas. If you really want to know what you have, take a picture of each flower/plant. One of my BILs has a degree in this shit and works in the field and he can identify almost anything and he’s usually willing to help.

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He wants to know roughly how tall those white ones are.

Edit: I told him they looked to be roughly two feet tall and he also thinks Canterbury Bells. (He was looking at a picture I took of your picture, because I’m even lazier than you! And I only got a close up of the flowers.)

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One of my tomato plants has a couple of yellow/brown, (more brown than the photo appears), leaves - all on the same branch. All the other leaves on the plant appear to be healthy. I can’t find any bugs on the damaged leaves. Any thoughts? Should I cut that branch off or just leave it?


I always pinch off the browning leaves. If they get fungus or anything it will stop it from spreading as easy imo.


Most of my garden is looking pretty solid, but I assume I’ve either got some moles/voles or chipmunks that are essentially terrorists. They snipped off all my green strawberries a couple of weeks ago, then they dug under 5 cucumber plants and killed them. I’m not sure if I want to put out some mouse traps out if it’s chipmunks.

Insane amount of chipmunks this year, I read last year was a bumper crop for acorns so they had no problems making it through the winter.

The garden fence I dug down and put up seems to have worked so far, knock on wood, keeping rabbits and woodchuck out. I was looking out from my dining room table on Saturday night and I saw 6 rabbits at once. I need to buy a fox or get into falconry or something.


After bragging about the ease of asparagus, this year I’ve had a plague of red and black asparagus beetles descend on me. Me and the kid have spent some time picking them and the larvae off. I might buy some nematodes as apparently they’ll murder the larvae in the ground. The other helper is ladybugs - I saw a few of them marching along the asparagus stalks looking for the beetle eggs, pretty cool. I accidentally nabbed one (they’re the same colors as the beetles) and then apologized profusely to it after I realized it was a ladybug.


It might mean war. But sometimes you just suffer from a one time sortie.

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goofyballer in 3 weeks:






I’ve been getting a bunch of mid size and cherry tomatoes from bush plants and my first big boy on my climbing vines started ripening a few days ago. I saw it today about 10 AM when I watered my plants, and then by 2 PM it had somehow disappeared. Not sure what made off with a softball sized tomato in the middle of the day?


I honestly think it was the neighbors large dog. We don’t get deer in my neighborhood, and I have a hard time believing a ground hog or squirrel made off with a tomato that size.

If I find out it’s a squirrel we’ll be having a good old fashioned varmint fry after they finish fattening up themselves on my produce.

It’s getting exciting. Nearly time to plant my tomatoes out and get fully into the vegetable garden. I’ve been bringing them up inside. Currently I have broccoli, red cabbage, 3 types lettuce, peas, leeks, onions spinach and a huge assortment of herbs. My 2nd hand worm farm is also doing really well. I will take some pics on my next day off when I will be planting a heap of stuff too.

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Does anyone have any tips for bringing up chillies inside? I didn’t have any success with the 2 types I tried. I’m thinking just having a grow light isn’t enough and I need a heat pad. I know they really like it hot. I had to succumb and admit defeat and go buy a punnet from the nursery :frowning_face: My basil and tomatoes came up fine though.

@JohnnyTruant did you grow your habaneros by seed?

I bought 1 punnet of habanero seedlings. Mine just didn’t germinate. I don’t think it was warm enough tbh. I might try again now it’s a bit warmer, just to experiment.

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