
Wild strawberries


I *adore ***wild strawberries ****

Nice! My weeds look much worse than your grass still. I tilled the areas my neighbors didn’t plant and only have peppers (which were super wet so aren’t producing the best), carrots, onions, tomatillos and tomatoes and I’m weeding them out the next few days. I only will have San Marzano and Roma tomatoes because I was expecting my neighbors to plant some others. They aren’t the best BLT tomatoes but I will be making some BLTs anyway.

I’m in the process of starting a gourmet mushroom business building a whole grow area with intent to sell at local farmers markets or to higher end restaurants. It’s also fun as hell so far tbh. I enjoy it. I’ll possibly update this thread or start one.

I’m going to have so many tomatillos. First time growing them and there are dozens or a hundred or more full husks with barely any fruit in them yet. Apparently they are supposed to fill out the husk. Picked a few romas and marzanos today.

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You know tomato seeds are pretty indigestable? Friend of a guy I was talking to works at a sewage treatment plant. He said tomato plants grow out of the solid waste all the time.

Yeah, tomatillo plants are crazy prolific.You’ll know they’re ready when the husk is tight or split. Alternatively, I’ve found one of the easiest ways to harvest them is just wait until they fall on the ground.

Processed my first batch of Anaheim peppers tonight for the eventual vat of chile verde. They were unexpectedly hot, like nearing jalapeno levels. Exact same thing happened last year, but they mellowed out later in the season. Dunno if that’s normal.

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Cherry tomatoes are easy to get through because you can just snack on them.

As I predicted the peppers suffered from the early rain. Harvested some Carolina reapers though and will get a few more. Surprised they did as well as they did considering the mild and wet summer we had here.

I don’t know lmao. I use habaneros for chili and salsas and have made roasted mango tequila habanero sauce with habaneros before and then used it for rubs on pork chops and also marinades and stuff. These are a lot hotter I guess. I only grew one plant.

Do you even sauce, bro?

My seriously overgrown garden. Will be putting a day in to get it back in order as I need to get a heap of things in. Very excited about my garlic though!

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Just picked and blanched 400g of beans for the freezer.


I don’t think I’m going to grow anything this year. I have maybe a week at most to get seeds going and I’m just not feeling it. I need my world to feel grounded and stable if I’m going to commit to a 6 month gardening project. But that’s really not where my head is at these days.

Omg this is the absolute have to time to garden.
-peaceful feelings
-fresh air
-birds singing

I can’t actually think of a better time to garden than now. Get to it!!

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Going to order some seedlings from the local community farm. What should I get to maximize nutrition per unit area? I’ve only got 3 4x4’ beds laid out, and beyond that I would need to put in more serious work, because the soil is bad.

I might plant some potatoes, as they seem fairly prolific. Squash seems like a bad idea. Maybe beans? I’ve grown mostly lettuce and herbs in the past, with some of the herbs surviving over the winter.

After looking at the web site, they only have broccoli, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and herbs. I think broccoli takes up too much space, so I’ll probably get some of each except broccoli.

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Grab some seeds and whack in some beans or something you can trellis to maximise the space. Plant something next to it like lettuce which will appreciate a little partial shade on hot days.

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My vegetable garden is fenced in for Deer, but last year a plague of rabbits descended and wreaked havoc. The fence had holes too large to keep them out - they were shameless, they weren’t afraid at all, I’d get within 4 or 5 feet of them before they’d scurry off. I wanted to murder them but the wife and daughter pleaded for clemency. I’m starting to put chicken wire all around the garden, it’s a job man.

I saw some coyote in the area over the winter, and I’m hoping they did some good work on the rabbit population.


Seeds are the best. You really get a sense of what God feels like. A good god not a vengeful one.

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