Fun Poster Data

They do not. I tried multiple times to read Cryptonomicon and think Stephenson is just not that good a storyteller. Certainly not compared to my boy jmakin.

That would need full community approval. The DB is the entire site - every single detail from every user account. PM’s, email addresses, all of it.

Ok, forget that then if it contains email addresses and they have to be included.

I think @jmakin will come up with some bespoke ETL for this.

I just figured out you can add print=true parameter to the URL you described in your post and you can get 1000 posts back at a time. But, I messed around with this a few times and think I broke something because now I’m getting back “you’ve performed this action too many times, try again later.”

legit thought I discovered a hack and now I’m sad.

The default is rate limited to 5 print requests per hour. I just bumped it up to 25, but I assume that’s there for a reason so I’d rather not have it wide open.

Thanks. Yea, it seemed like the server was really doing some work. That request takes several seconds to come back. I don’t think I’m going to do it that way. Just gonna grab 20 posts at a time and see how long it takes.

I’m just saving all these as files so i’m gonna end up with like 10k small files probably but oh well.

Loved Cryptonomicon. Seveneves on the other hand…

1 Like

Actually, I think this works. I’m assuming this is a partial list because there is nothing below 82 likes? If so is it possible to upload the complete table?

downloading all post data from the site now, there’s 350k total posts so at about 1 request per second and each request containing 20 posts it’ll be like 5 hours. Not that bad

@zikzak found some weird behavior with the method you described. It doesn’t really give back a clean enumeration of the posts… for instance on this thread, if I do:

/t/394/1.json it’ll give me posts 1-22.

For /t/394/21.json it’ll give me posts 16-35.

Sometimes it’ll give me a duplicate post here and there but there aren’t really any posts missing per se so I don’t think it’s an issue (but I only tested this thread), there will just be duplicate data in the set that I gotta be careful of. Kind of weird behavior though.

lol, it looks like you can get a user id from a username, but not an easy way to go the other way around.

here it is:

    1                admin
    2               zikzak
    3               ggoreo
    4             microbet
    5          goofyballer
    6                goreo
    9                smrk4
   10          IrishRunner
   11           lovemuffin
   13           King_of_NY
   14               otatop
   15               Namath
   16                 Jbro
   17            eyebooger
   18               kerowo
   19                  WAR
   20          DodgerIrish
   21                hokie
   22              miliboo
   23       SensiblePerson
   24          LouisCyphre
   25          beetlejuice
   26           PineNeedle
   27                 Rexx
   28          UthersGhost
   29         StrontiumDog
   30            geewhysee
   31             MrWookie
   32                  yad
   33         JohnnyTruant
   34            MimosaDef
   35         superuberbob
   36             Slighted
   37             jalfrezi
   38                Devil
   39            NotBruceZ
   41     Chuckleslovakian
   42                  pvn
   43             Smacc_25
   44         SwankyWilder
   45           spidercrab
   46             TehVader
   47               baddis
   48           SenorKeeed
   49                jerry
   50       MasterofthePwn
   51               Trolly
   52                SPIFF
   53           pyatnitski
   54          simplicitus
   55          cuserounder
   56      RonaldChevalier
   57               patron
   58              Vict0ar
   59                  d10
   60            Formula72
   61              Goebs80
   62           LodenPants
   63            MakeHaste
   64                 grue
   65             Dutch101
   66         hotmail-test
   67              Rivaldo
   68               NhlNut
   69           Boardgamer
   70          TrueNorth32
   71             Lostrich
   72               gman42
   73           nonfiction
   74             TheDuker
   75          BillHaywood
   76             kre8tive
   77                mtl2d
   78           PabloHoney
   79              chezlaw
   80               Txdome
   81               mjiggy
   82            Alchemist
   83            EmpireMan
   84                  LFS
   85                QRomo
   86                champ
   87              bigt2k4
   88             Marksman
   89                marty
   90         RubbishCards
   91           zarapochka
   92              rockfsh
   93                  UAW
   94             clubsoda
   95            MattyLice
   96         AllTheCheese
   97                Rugby
   98         Crunchyblack
   99                sumey
  100               bowens
  101         feedthabeast
  102              Sosobad
  103            WichitaDM
  104             Riverman
  105      wirelessgrinder
  106                Pauwl
  107                Sogge
  108                 alex
  109         Thin_Slicing
  110                Ikioi
  111      catfacemeowmers
  112              nunnehi
  113            skydiver8
  114      oneeyedtripping
  115               ripdog
  116             tabbaker
  117          Coasterbrad
  118               jmakin
  119             fidgetUK
  120         MichaelDavis
  121                Willd
  122               MaxCut
  123          boredsocial
  124    darksideofthewall
  125       ViridianDreams
  126                eeAWW
  127           StimAbuser
  128          GooseHinson
  129           00cooler00
  130          Nicholasp27
  131             JordanIB
  132       CanadaMatt3004
  133       dreamcrusher28
  134            Bigoldnit
  135           e4e5nf3nc6
  136            GermanGuy
  137                prana
  138             suzzer99
  139                zaah1
  140             TheHip41
  141               nobody
  142 TempletonFearrariIII
  143           hobbes9324
  144            JackBando
  145           crimedopay
  146             m_reed05
  147                Deuce
  148          DrChesspain
  149             cassette
  150              Feldman
  151               marmot
  152            Melkerson
  153               arctos
  154                  Kep
  155               mosdef
  156            PapaSmurf
  157              breakin
  158          Catastrophe
  159                 Koss
  160               ChrisV
  161           bobman0330
  162              Fatboy8
  163             DrModern
  164              Derlish
  165      realDonaldTrump
  166                  AOC
  167         GuyIncognito
  168                Bloop
  169          IlyaOblomov
  170            dogsballs
  171            FourRoses
  172         cilldroichid
  173              ThisGuy
  174          EpicWestern
  175              Unstuck
  176                dlk9s
  177               oscark
  178            Kennywawa
  179             Chippa58
  180             Spinetta
  181                 2bds
  182          Fossilkid93
  183        MonsterJMcGee
  184         counterspell
  186              McNulty
  187           MikeHoncho
  188       LongtimeLurker
  189                 SJCX
  190             sriracha
  191                  uke
  192                 Dudd
  193             fjbourne
  194               Tilted
  195        Lawnmower_Man
  196            Fuluck414
  197               imjosh
  198           corvette24
  199                wiper
  200                grizy
  201           Psithurism
  202              Eparvey
  203       TJ_Eckleburg12
  204        ElbridgeGerry
  205          LoonsAndLFC
  206           RiskyFlush
  207                 DUCY
  208     LurkButDontTouch
  209          CashComplex
  210              clovis8
  211                  meb
  212         L.Washington
  213       Mr_Unstoppable
  214              synapse
  215                 anon
  216             roadfool
  217         Subterranean
  218              Soulman
  219               abacus
  220                 dbvm
  221              ndatofa
  222             extrafox
  223           ParlaySlow
  224           Superleeds
  225              Mendoza
  226               tomrh3
  227              SirOsis
  228            Feltstein
  229                  6ix
  230                amead
  231            Habsfan09
  232               davmcg
  233            wheatrich
  234         Nozetradamus
  235          LuckyLuke01
  236            ninetimes
  237               Buddha
  238            KingTaxLV
  239                  Yuv
  240              jman220
  241              trysbew
  242         Supwithbates
  243            churchill
  244  michaelcurrie198430
  245            ChipsAhoy
  246              Cornboy
  247            Aofrantic
  248          All-InFlynn
  249               Bobber
  250            mindtrixx
  252               jwax13
  253                  cee
  254             SuperJaz
  255               Noname
  256             Lurelore
  257               dereds
  258                 Daer
  259             vipchump
  261         aceforbrains
  262               ElSapo
  263          masonstaint
  264            dinopoker
  265               Cactus
  266                olink
  267      Nononocantsleep
  268                  DTD
  269              beyeond
  270        PaulMcSwizzle
  271             Tortuous
  272             whosnext
  273             Urasofty
  274            jjshabado
  275           Brandin138
  276          Loading.000
  277            that_pope
  278            VeryJosie
  280                shebu
  281      monetary_expert
  282           joltinjake
  283            klingbard
  284               iron81
  285                BUIDS
  286               JonnyA
  287               DavidS
  288            freddbird
  289                 vaya
  290              NYTimes
  291              Top_Dog
  292                  ing
  293                vaya1
  294          SteveHarvey
  295              easybaw
  297                Twist
  298               anatta
  300   TrollyWantACracker
  301                 TWAC
  302                 CS04
  304         von_Internet
  305                rondo
  306           SeattleLou
  307              bbb7979
  308          Vajennasguy
  309                 Sean
  310               Canada
  311              vincent
  312           Danspartan
  313            easilymvp
  314            Montecore
  315                 Ryan
  316                  dre
  317               ctr123
  318             gazza137
  319           FARGOpoker
  320              Meraxes
  321         Chuck_Kinzie
  322               runout
  323              RegretS
  324           econophile
  325              defnotJ
  326       Narrator_Voice
  327                Bryce
  328           Pokerisfun
  329           thebeercow
  330       FuncrusherPlus
  331              WesleyC
  332               BestOf
  333             Narrator
  334          UNCLECLIMAX
  335            TheNewT50
  337                SvenO
  338                gobbo
  339               Watevs
  340              seities
  341         Huehuecoyotl
  342                 Surf
  343          Tiptopdaddy
  344              Chris27
  345           Paracelsus
  346             toekneec
  347                  Bro
  348           pettyvices
  349                 Sabo
  350             Motmot27
  351          proudfather
  353           poopypants
  354        anachronistic
  355          Spoonyone99
  356           GameMaster
  357   ThirdAndChancellor
  358              la2sb91
  359                  sad
  360              jhall23
  361       BorgMaster2020
  362              edc5036
  363             blackize
  364         DudeImBetter
  365                Aytum
  367               brons1
  368               emmpee
  369               plexiq
  370           Punctually
  371              Caliban
  372              hey_you
  373           john_smith
  374       David_Sklansky
  376                  SLP
  377       fireballdragon
  378               Twadds
  379                 azds
  380            Galerider
  382                  nyc
  383            JimHammer
  384           TimBuktuuf
  385        Preet_Bharara
  386               Br9006
  387           mukdukaluk
  388                Inso0
  389               burner
  391          Theorangone
  392               dadbud
  393               Uethym
  394                  KSR
  395             Will1530
  397      PhillipRhodesJr
  398               Rococo
  399              SwoopAE
  400        onelifetotilt
  401              craptor
  402             Kalabaza
  403           GoingViral
  404              Charlie
  405             limitguy
  406      HamishMcBagpipe
  407           chupacabre
  408             hemstock
  409           Guillotine
  410            m_hood115
  411                fluff
  412               Hallia
  413                d2_e4
  414            Arbytoras
  415                 rsrs
  416      Heritagenothate
  417                 adam
  418                Effen
  419               Mullen
  420             pine.tar
  421                Hoaya
  422          DonkHappens
  423            FourDonks
  424              McLovin
  426            outdrawed
  427          PocketChads
  428            JBrosBoss
  429          Hired_Goons
  430           falejaj165
  431                 bode
  432               ddale8
  433               arkman
  434                danby
  435           Reinhold_N
  436             Jake7777
  437                ctyri
  438                  Tut
  439        debtxollector
  440          LetsGambool
  441              atrupar
  442                  R.C
  443            anonymous
  444           anonymous1
  445             JiveLady
  446           yobeyos291
  447          Giveandtake
  448        badpostingdog
  449                  Lsb
  450        MysteryConman
  451               clams1
  452          coronavirus
  453                 Joog
  454     Thin_Slicing_Fan
  455                Krayz
  456                tesla
  457      MikeLikesOrgies
  459          Triceratops
  460          Incorporeal
  461          Triceracops
  462                  mwa
  463            LGBTQAnon
  465         PokerBandito
  466             mousemat
  467             goofball
  468 Fingerspitzengefuehl
  469          zenheadbutt
  470         DuecePounder
  471               pueblo
  472        badpostingcat
  473          russonafarm
  474          hammypotter
  475                Sujai
  476       CaffeineNeeded
  477                 Tych
  478  Face_Eating_Leapord
  479  Face_Eating_Leopord
  480  Face_Eating_Leopard
  481            Bobnewton
  482        suzzers_ghost
  483      BadPokerAnalogy
  484   CounterpointCritic
  485        Quartermaster
  486               Needle
  487              Gamblor
  488               Beluga

Awesome, thanks! Any idea who user -2 is or why there are null values for the users?


Also… @Gamblor ???


Now that would be something.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to unilaterally snap ban and ip block gamblor if he starts posting here.

Is that suppose to be order we all signed up?

Top 3 (4 counting admin) seem right to me. Suzzers_ghost also makes sense there near the end.

Ya. I’m a bit surprised I was more than 200.

If you recall there was a long roll out where the first people who registered were testing.

Oh right. That makes sense.