Framed (name that movie) - please blur any potential spoilers

Framed #591
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Thought I knew what it was on 3, but couldnt remember the title

But on looking it up, i was actually confusing it with another DDL IRA movie (from the same director) called “in the name of the father” (havent seen either)

Never heard of it, some real shit choices lately

Framed #591
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

And wtf is this

Episode #60
:tv: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #591
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Episode #60
:tv: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #591
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square:

Episode #60
:tv: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #591
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

I regret nothing.

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Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:

Never seen. Will never see.

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Framed #592
:movie_camera: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

For some reason Ive seen this opening scene even though I havent seen the whole movie.

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:


Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #592
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:

Haven’t seen it either, but this seems like a weirdly strong statement to make. Any special reason for it?

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Illumination Studios deliberately makes shallow entertainment with zero depth. Nothing about the experience compels me to watch anything they make.

The only exception for me was Super Mario Bros, and that’s because of my eternal love for the franchise (even the original live action).

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I have a pretty specific relationship with that movie.

I was arguing a case against someone representing himself - a piece of shit with a history of domestic violence - who didn’t like something I said about him, and he said, “You’re like that evil dude in that movie who drove the car around…he’s real mean to the kids…who is it…you know, that Pixar movie…” Still at a loss, he looks over to me and says, “What is that one??” Hilarious that in this moment he decided that I was supposed to dig into my movie knowledge to graciously help sharpen his attempt to insult me. Unfortunately for him, I had no idea what the hell movie he was talking about, so I just looked back at him, shook my head, and gave him a silent palms-up gesture until he moved on.

The rest of the hearing proceeded all the way through closing argument, at the end of which he suddenly thought back on this nagging question and came up with the answer. It was quite funny to later see a formal legal transcript conclude with
Him: “Despicable Me! Despicable Me! That’s it! Boy, I’d hate to see your car.”
Hearing officer: “This hearing is hereby concluded until further order.”

Anyway, probably would never have watched it otherwise, but I had to take the time to see it after that. It’s okay, nothing to write home about but not bad. (I realize it’s not Pixar, but he definitely said that, which if anything helped further throw me off the scent of knowing the answer he was searching for.)


Framed #593
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #593
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #593
:movie_camera: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

once I a while I surprise myself with a good guess, this is why I keep playing this game
(saw it once 15 years ago, love old school Malick)