Food & Drink World Cup

It’s not the intention but it is the effect.

I think that is only true if you assume the user of UP are dumb. We are all smart enough to understand the intent here.

The dishes are unrepresentative of food from the countries in question. All this will do is deepen some stereotypes that people already subconsciously hold, if previous comments about Africa itf are anything to go by.

Anyway, w/e. I’ll continue railing the theatre of the absurd. I can hardly wait to see what appears for Nigeria and Niger.

I’ve been in the states for 3 years now and have gotten used to some of the fast food (i even kinda like the sandwiches of one company who does not like gay people), but Taco Bell is just beyond my palate ability. I tasted “nacho cheese” once and assumed the wrapping plastic melted into it by accident.

And I honestly don’t get the point of the method for this competition. There are 210 nations in the FIFA ranking (which you seem to go by). No one here knows the exact cuisine of 80% of those.
Why not do a seeded tournament with like 32 countries instead of whatever this is?

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No question some of it is barely food.

I don’t find this surprising. I like fast food sometimes too. You know why? Because there are literally millions of dollars of sociopathic corporate resources that go into designing and fine tuning food like product that manipulates human physiology to make you like it and want more of it. Sure it tastes a little gross at first because your palate is not used to it, but that’s also true of alcohol for example. Just about everyone has a soft spot for things that are engineered to be addictive.

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True. For me Taco Bell has the thing in Canada called fries supreme which doesn’t exist in states. It was rated as one of the least healthy fast food items. It’s fries covered in cheese sauce, sour cream, beef, onion and tomato. It’s a monstrosity but soooooo good. It’s a twice a year treat.

Hides head in shame. Lol

I can happily swerve Macdonalds and KFC but must declare a soft spot for a BK chicken royale.

I like this thread. Made me look up dishes for countries I’ve never heard of. Like that weird looking Chad one, and found a nice stew they do. Looks simple and I may try it.


welcome! Please feel free to post your results in the Cooking Good Food thread!


I guess I thought because:

A) We’ll get there anyway.
B) I didn’t want to determine what 32 get in unilaterally.
C) I thought it might be fun if people got interested in food from countries that they’ll never see.

I think the concerns about the pictures are fair. I won’t do those anymore.

  • Albania :albania:
  • Wales :uk:

0 voters

Surprised that there’s no Wales (or Scotland or England) emoji flag.

  • Armenia :armenia:
  • San Marino :san_marino:

0 voters

  • Faroe Islands :faroe_islands:
  • Moldova :moldova:

0 voters

  • Gibraltar :gibraltar:
  • Latvia :latvia:

0 voters

  • Belarus :belarus:
  • Montenegro :montenegro:

0 voters

Welsh Rarebit is a dish i’ve had before. It’s a toast covered in cheese sauce. I’m not sure how uniquely Welsh it is.