First Impressions Containment Thread

Click on your avatar icon in the top right corner. Click on the little cog icon for preferences. → Notifications

There you find the option for live notifications. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.

This is great!

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Needs a fifth level, “discovering that discourse is different than discord” :D


Always avoided forum posting on mobile but this is a breeze :)

There’s still some placeholder text in the Politics section’s “About” thread:

I’m probably the last one to figure this out. But you can use the snip tool and then just paste in your post editor and it embeds the image. Like freaking magic.


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Debate thread is going to be crazy with images.


LOL wow. That’s really cool.

This sites great… Still getting used to it but the smoothness of everything is super cool, no Lags ftw :muscle:

Far far better than those old sites :grin::grin::grin:

I’ve definitely warmed up to the new site a lot, especially for live updates during the debate. One issue I’m having is that videos are cut off on the right side, only showing about half of the video.

I’m on mobile browser using the grey zz theme.

I just did a google search for ‘Unstuck Politics’. Not surprisingly, this site isn’t coming up yet in any of the first set of results. The second hit though was for the Unstuck Patreon page and the 21st hit was for @microbet sandbox site (complete with a Golf thread started by @dreamcrusher28 who maybe thought that was the new site - must have been very confusing considering his was the only thread and there was no one else around :joy: )

I’m on a Samsung Galaxy S9+ viewing on Samsung’s internet browser. Both embedded videos and videos in tweets are cut off, but the tweet videos do shrink to show the full screen when played. They (tweets) are initially even more cut off though.

It is not an issue in landscape mode.

It is an issue in non-zz themes.

Thanks for the help.

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Maybe I’ll start a golf site.

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Yup, that was it. It still shows tweets as cut off but embedded videos are not. Thanks for the help.

I’ve registered the site with Google and Bing, and crawler traffic increased notably after I did so. Only a matter of time before we’re in the top 10 million search results and getting flooded by dozens of unregistered viewers who misclicked something.


Apologies if this was answered elsewhere, but the reviews for what seemed to be the official Discourse app are worse than pretty much anything I’ve ever seen. Most say it’s just a wrapper for the mobile site as is? Is it worth downloading?

I’ve never used it. To me, mobile seems perfectly fine in a browser. I’ve never really understood what people want an app for, but I don’t do a lot of mobile internetting so I may be missing something.

I was just looking at the “app” myself. It sounds like maybe if you’re on multiple discourse forums it could be useful for getting all your notifications in one place or something, but otherwise all you’re getting is a home screen icon that can bring you right to the site in mobile Chrome anyway.

I’ve got browsing here via Chrome on my Android phone as heads and tails above Tapatalk with basically no downsides other than the instant button that Mr. Goreo already solved. No real desire for an app at this point. Biggest upside for using an app seems like it’d be a way to serve me ads that don’t benefit the people doing the work here.