Fatboy8 hijacks thread for his Vegas trip.

I just meant that the idea of having a mask mandate is totally defeated by letting people smoke while wearing a mask… LIke, what’s the point of the mask mandate then?

Everywhere that has a mask mandate has a very high % of ppl not wearing them properly. I wonder if the “don’t cover their nose” crowd gets shocked when pozzed

Of course it’s silly, but they let people drink and stuff when wearing masks as well, so it isn’t really surprising.

There are definitely lots of “masks don’t work” folks who don’t use them correctly and get pozzed.

As I recall, there was something about the way the law is written that prevents the Gaming Control Board from doing anything about smoking.

I want more Vegas TRs.



I started playing Pai Gow on my phone in prep for June. I’m basically a wizard at this point.


I’m leaving for Vegas tomorrow but my trips generally don’t contain much in the way of gambling and just contain food, cigars, and experiences.

I’ll try to write something up. We are going to the Meow Wolf Omegamart and the mob museum so that might be interesting.


Let me know how Meow Wolf is. My buddy really wants to go in June.

I’ve been to the one in Santa Fe. It’s pretty cool, especially if you’re willing to lean in and explore everything. My only regret is that I visited during a time where I was refraining from marijuana use during a job search. Definitely worth a few hours.


I went to the one in Santa Fe too! It was awesome, I also did get to smoke and had some edibles so my experience was a little enhanced haha

I’ll probably be going to Vegas in the fall, if I do I’ll post


I didn’t go to Vegas but I did get my first hair cut at a barber since February 2020 today, I feel fantastic.


Hijacking this thread for any of my trip reports.

Flew southwest out of Seattle. Uneventful. They said the flight was full, but I locked out into a row with an empty middle seat.

Car pickup in Vegas was uneventful.

Went to Algoberto’s on the recommendation of my Mexican brother in law. Birria tacos were fucking awesome.

I’m in a $200 weight loss competition until the end of the month but I’m going to say fuck it and enjoy myself here. Small price to pay to eat some good food.

Tomorrow is spend time with the family day, so likely won’t be much to report.

ETA: Orleans check in is miserable. 2 people working on a Saturday night.


Staying at the Orleans you can bust up their epic 4/8 O8 game where the minimum age is 80 and raising gets you a lifetime ban! :grin:


there’s a 4/8 o8 game at Stones in Sacramento. I find it kinda adorable. They get there at 6 am every day. Everyone knows each other of course. They get free breakfast at 8. Game breaks around noon. I’m sure not a single person there is beating the rake, but they all seem to enjoy their time.


I like the roulette tables with the touchscreens and automated dealer. No longer have to deal with all the chips nor do I have to play twister with a bunch of people to make my bets.

This sounds amazing to me. Like, one day when old, aspiration.

I like the Orleans and you will probably be able to find me there in October at some point during the WSOP. I hope they run a tournament series then.

On the other hand, poker blogger Pokerkraut quit his second job dealing at the Orleans and the unhappy clientele seemed to be a reason.

There is (was?) a 4/8 O8 with a half kill that runs weekly at Grand Casino outside OKC. They were getting a weekly 4/8 HORSE game for a while. Way more fun than HE LDO

We like updates, we need updates, anything food/drinks/buildings who cares if it sky pics its Vegas Baby.
