Fall LC thread

It was actually quite a good hearing by the Intel Dems. Will Hurd practically mocked the guy for his decisions, though he was really subtle about it. No one defended anything Trump actually did. People like Nunes and others tried to attack the ‘intelligence’ of the complaint but didn’t actually say any of it was okay.

I think Nunes’ poor joke about wanting to see Maguire behind closed doors like it’s supposed to happen was essentially him calling the acting DNI an idiot for not just walking the complaint/IG letter over the committees as he was required. We would be absolutely nowhere on impeachment without his hilariously gross bad judgment/incompetence.

Yeah we’re going to have to disagree on Nunes. He’s what he’s been for a while now. If the House voted 434-1 to impeach, it’d be Nunes and Gaetz brawling in the cloak room over who got to cast the lone vote.

I’m sure it was a fine hearing, it just wasn’t going to break any major news or anything or change the calculus much. I thought that was pretty clear early on - I watched maybe 30-40 minutes and then went about the rest of my day without worrying about it.

I read/watched coverage and listened to The Daily podcast ep on it this morning.

As far as I’m concerned you are. What’s the worst that mean old Gregorio can do?

You were free to start a thread.

God almighty

What I’m saying is that he was saying, ‘what kind of special idiot do you have to be to not just do your job? The Intelligence Committee is the cover up committee. No one had to know about this, you idiot.’

Nunes for sure doesn’t want impeachment. He’s exposed, or at least thinks he is based on his behavior that forced him to recuse himself from certain matters on the Intelligence Committee when he was head. It would be amazing for him to get bounced in 2020. I don’t even care if it’s another Republican, I just want him gone and his seniority on that committee gone.

There is a LOT of pain coming - these companies basically all have insane debt loads.


Yup. The economy is good and due for a recession. My part has been in one since 4/1 basically.

Putin is playing Trump the way I used to play my college dormmates in Risk - goad your enemies into attacking each other and then scoop up what’s left. It’s the only way to win the game.

This is where Trump and his administrations total incompetence, especially related to foreign policy, is a complete disaster.

Trump is completely compromised and under fire at home and other countries are going to take massive advantage of him and thus the entire country.

I feel like if a person told me they would still vote for trump I would punch them in a non violent way.


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Didn’t know red-bellied blacks got that big.

We’ve already been convinced not to visit. Yeesh.


My mom has a ratsnake living in her backyard that’s about that size. Ofc ratsnakes are harmless and sort of adorable, unlike the lethal poisonous snakes of Australia that murder many thousands of people every year.

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Carlin on punching down:



guys! today’s new real time with our boyee Bill Maher!


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Bannon is quoted as saying they were trying to export their brand of wtf it is overseas. lol

I remember seeing a clip, and thinking holy shit these dirtbags are trying to poison the entire world.

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