Fall LC thread

Oh. Apologies. A little too quick on my pony trigger.

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Yep, individuals in the vulture capitalist game entered it w/ the rules massively rigged in their favor and learning from their mentors how to maximally exploit every rigged rule so they can’t even conceive of another reality.

Normally the process you’re talking about is just a deal that didn’t work out. You bought a troubled company because you thought you could fix it and make money, but you plan didn’t work so the company went bankrupt. The key thing though is that funds typically lose money on those deals. No one benefits from them.

Where did the LLC get the money it used to purchase Univision?

Oh wait, are we getting semantic about “own the debt”?




I saw a 20-something dude on the street corner with a bulletproof vest, a couple of billy club things that could have been gun barrels from a distance, a skull mask thing covering most of his face - and SWAT written across his back.

I was like - this is not good. And then I remembered it’s Halloween. Which would actually be perfect timing to sneak into a crowded place for a mass shooting.

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Katie Hill’s resignation speech makes no sense. Ranting and raving about how unfair it is that other people are still in office doesn’t work when you resigned, lady. Nobody made you quit.


Man, I don’t even sports, but the ESPN coverage I briefly saw of the Nats win is brutal lol. The gist is that the win wasn’t so much because the Nats rule as the other team sucked

To be fair you have no idea what kind of pressure she was under behind the scenes. Also she was facing having literally hundreds of additional nudes leaked.

I’m sorry but what she did was nowhere near as bad as what lots of other people have done in recent memory and gotten to keep their jobs. I’m still not super happy she quit, and she (and others) are right that this kind of thing will have a real chilling effect on millenials and younger people running for office.



Well, I’m glad they cleared that up for me.


I saw something on Twitter earlier saying that we need to address the fact that times have changed and that tons of people under 40 have sent nudes to other people. It shouldn’t be used as evidence to shame people into quitting. And it is true. What people do in their private lives is no one else’s business.

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This school hired Hugh Freeze to be its football coach


Liberty University should have stuck with its original name, Fraud Guarantee University.

Although the other morally depraved, charlatan-led, fraudulent university running at the time may have sued over the naming rights.

I mean she wasn’t shamed because she had nudes. She was shamed because she was fucking one of her employees, which she clearly knew was wrong based on the fact she lied about it when the story first broke.

I know like I’m an extremist in a lot of ways politically, but I don’t really care that much about this kind of thing. It strikes me that you are probably right and people are just mad at finance bros (for lots of good reasons) and attack every single thing whether or not this or that thing is really a problem or not or maybe a general symptom.

But, my thinking with that post was that you are probably in a better position than most to argue the “against” side of this thing and maybe you would.

Does no one really benefit? There seems to be a lot of problems in corporations, and I’ve seen this first hand, where management (which is usually part of ownership, but doesn’t have exactly the same interests as average shareholders) benefits when things go bad.

But anyway, why do troubled companies take on these partners? Just desperation for the “down-payment” money? Will banks only lend if there is a new investor? and why?

Have you addressed the stuff Riverman talked about?

I would kindly submit the two are at this time inseparable, even if they are not consciously or explicitly or deliberately discussing both aspects.

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Always amusing to me. Long time sports radio host here in Dallas, Bob Sturm (writes for the athletic too) went to Liberty. He even walked on to the basketball team. Anyways any time I see liberty news I chuckle a bit thinking about how uncomfortable he has gotten in the past when his colleagues would poke fun at him.

I have started a list of universities that should be shuddered.

  1. University of Pennsylvania
  2. Liberty University

That does not seem like why she resigned. She resigned because she is being blackmailed.

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There are people who get paid a lot of money in the business. They obviously don’t want the loans to go bad because it’s not good for their career long-term all else equal, but they are very heavily incentivized to continue churning out loans no matter what.

Results in originators/underwriters saying it would be crazy to make loans with terms X, Y and Z because it would leave the lenders too heavily exposed to vulture capitalists looting the company and leaving them exposed. Then 3 years later those exact same originators/underwriters are making loans with exactly terms X, Y and Z in them because “that’s were the market is at,” and what’s the alternative, originating a fraction of the loans you did a year ago, and not getting the bonus you need to afford your country club dues, kids’ private schools, etc.?

Fuck that, I’m going make the loan on shitty terms, and if it goes bad in a few years, well most likely a bunch of the other loans my competitors made on shitty terms will go bad, the country will have a recession/financial crisis and I can blame the “blip” in my track record on that. Rinse/repeat.

