Trying to gauge the interest level for a draft of the most despicable, deplorable companies that end stage capitalism has spawned, anyone down?
i haven’t done a draft in forever, but sounds like fun.
however wtf is this late-stage capitalism qualifier? open it up to companies starting in any century.
Dutch East India Company #1 pick
I’m too lazy to participate but looking forward to reading with grim amusement.
that was going to be my first overall.
could make an argument for [undrafted]
I’ve never done one of these, but isn’t discussing or mentioning undrafteds by name (which, at this point, is all companies) frowned upon.
Any company or corporation should be eligible regardless of era.
If there is any interest we should start a sign up list, randomize the draft order and figure out when we want to conduct reveals.
Mentioning picks is a dick move ATM
Also in. Are we doing currently existing companies only or all corporations?
Not in, but interested in watching. I think this should be all time, and a relatively short draft.
I’m in.
Relax, don’t know how to play.
I’m very definitely in.
- superuberbob
- Rugby
- boredsocial
- hokie
- TrueNorth32
- kre8tive