Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

I edited that sentence to include, “and lack of policies”. Surely, it’s the corporate Dems failure to enact the policy change that the people want and need that did them in. But that’s just for politicians. The constant shaming by the left certainly didn’t help

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It’s because I don’t think Cactus is a lost cause. He’s correct about a lot of things ITT.

He’s a 24 year old who did some dumb shit and needs to realize he did some dumb shit.


Perhaps… With me, it’s more of a fun exercise. I’m generally ~99% in agreement with most people here and what they say. It would be a much easier task for me to argue against many of my own statements I’ve made on this forum and just go along with everyone else all the time, since the things I disagree with are slight, but turn into these huge mob self masturbation fests with every contrarian point I make

I just think it’s incredibly important to be able to see an issue from both sides and then take that position to its utmost extreme in order to examine what your logical conclusion looks like. Your Dad being pushed further to the right because of “the way liberals are” is a very real thing. He’s certainly not in a minority. Many were pushed not only further to the right, but are now outright preferring a fascist lying fraud to a democracy! I mean, just think about that for a sec… Shouldn’t we at least try and walk over to their side of the table and figure out what they’re seeing that we’re not?

I’ve said this a million times, but unless someone is abundantly wealthy or an outright racist, they have more in common with the people they’re fighting than they ever will with the establishment. Why the heck aren’t we all on the same team fighting for each other? I contend much lies in the way people (like many on this forum) like to fight. When getting our kicks in via shaming and insulting become more important than trying to understand the other side’s POV and finding actual solutions, we’ve already lost the fight imo

Why does my age matter when there are plenty of 50+ somethings doing much dumber shit?

Mine would be over thirty years of voting against them and reps.

The identity politics thing is a joke. Trump pushed identity politics more than anyone and was successful doing it. He used, others, to instill fear in every rally and speech.

Suggesting dems lost because of it and shaming is missing that trump won doing the same.

This is derailing this thread (which is probably a good thing at this point :rofl:), but I agree and disagree. I agree that he ran on fear, hatred and division, but he was also able to very successfully (dare I say skillfully?) exploit the political correctness that so many were sick to death of. The Dems run on political correctness and nurturing of identity politics because they have no actual policies that help the working class they claim to be looking out for.

The dems have plenty of policies, just crappy ones.

And again the shame thing is a con. What republicans want is to be able to say what they want with no pushback. Sorry if you say something I find offensive I might just tell you. Suck it up.

Yeah, Republicans are concerned with identity politics like 100x more just morons fall for their protection.

Those are the “lost causes” I was referring to.

There’s no hope in changing their behavior. You’re better than them.

I agree that there are republicans that are as you described, but the people who voted for Trump aren’t some monolithic group with identical motivations.

You say yourself that the dems policies are crappy. Perhaps that is the reason that they fail to gain more support, and not an across the board moral failure and abject deplorableness of Trump voters.

It’s funny right wing conservative Christians my whole life made it a point to identify and shame anyone who was not them as immoral, evil and hellbound.

The shaming of views is not and has never been a one way street.

@Cactus for the hell of it. What identity politics should the dems not have brought up or countered? Trump dehumanizing immigrants? His fear mongering of Islam? His use of red baiting?

Be specific what politically correct views did Hillary express which caused trump to win?

I’m basically not willing to coddle people who are sick of political correctness. They’re wrong. Fuck 'em. Viva cancel culture. We will replace them,

I’ve never been of the thinking they are all the same and should be looked at or treated that way.

The ones we are talking about are the woe is me political correctness type. And for them it’s another way of saying stfu don’t tell me what you think of my views. Which just no.

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The “political correct” debate is basically:

One side: hey don’t attack LGBTQ ppl for who they are

Other side: fuck you snowflakes

Like, why are we ever sympathetic to that crowd?


OK. I’ll happily grant that there is a subset of Trump voters that is pretty much as you describe. I had been reading @cactus posts to be referring to people outside of that subset.

Exploiting the hatred of political correctness is code for “courting racists”, FYI.

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Hillary Clinton placed only half of Trump voters in the basket of deplorables. About half of Trump voters seem to be sympathetic to QAnon, so her story checks out.

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Think this started out as saying shaming pushes people to dig in, and moved into identity and political correctness.

Which I’d say is a sometimes yes and something no as far as shaming.

The reason the term deplorable stuck is because hillary hit the head right on the nail when she said that. And she was right, even if she probably shouldnt have said it, she was saying what everyone was thinking but failing to articulate.


It can’t be unsaid, so might as well lean into it and rustle some conservative jimmies. It’s a shame we have to resort to speaking the truth to own the conservatives.