English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

Jal you just asked for informed discussion and then you post that and take a completely unwarranted shot at americans.

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US owners were at the forefront of the push for the European Super League, even if they risked alienating fans on both sides of the Atlantic

something both you and aoFrantic have been mocking/denying.

Yes and we’ve established itt thoroughly thats not true. Some opinion piece making wild assertions doesn’t change the facts presented.

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You two have established nothing. Citing an article in the Athletic without quoting it isn’t science - there are other Athletic writers who support what I’m saying and it’s by no means a controversial view. These people have connections to some of the clubs involved eg Lawrence, McNicholas and they know what they’re talking about.

It’s not a “shot at Americans” - it’s a shot at 3 American owners.

i couldn’t name one american soccer team

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It’s also absolutely ridiculous because The Glazers, Kroenke and Henry are hands off owners. We know this. They have put people in charge of these clubs. Very few, if any big decisions fall on their shoulders. Vinai, Woodward and Gordon run the day to day of these clubs. They were in the meetings and taking the phone calls.

The English media reporting on this that Jal has swallowed up has been terrible.

To say these owners were at the forefront when they didn’t even travel to Europe to attend the meetings is hilarious.

This is arrant nonsense - all the big business decisions at Arse are made by Kroenke Sr and/or Jr.

What? Basically every decision in the last 10 years has been made by Wenger, Gazidis, Raul of Vinai. Kroenke couldn’t name you our starting Xi.

Kroenke is a hands off owner. He owns the Rams, Rapids, Avalanche, Nuggets and Arsenal. He’s spent the least amount of time watching Arsenal matches or being in London. To think he makes most of the decisions goes against every bit of reporting for almost 15 years. Do you think he also makes the big decisions for the other 5 teams he owns? Do you want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

What have big business decisions got to do with naming an XI? I don’t mean to appear rude but I’m really puzzled by your lack of understanding of how clubs work and what the interests are of businessmen who buy them.

The Kroenke’s are absolutely apathetic about the day to day running of the club, as they probably should be, and notoriously disinterested in the football side of things, but to think that someone who has a controlling interest as the private owner of a club worth billions won’t steer strategy is bizarre.

They don’t steer strategy at any of their clubs. This is like, a well known fact of the last two decades.

Tim Lewis was hired this last year precisely because they had been so hands off they had no idea what Raul was doing in his corrupt dealings and that got him fired! Like, why do you think there was an internal investigation into the Pepe transfer and the head of football got fired in a 24 hour span? Because the owners were on top of that ÂŁ80 million decision? They received one phone call about it and said yes. That was it.

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Player purchases aren’t strategic business decisions. That side is down to Edu and Arteta (maybe Vinai has some input, idk). They almost certainly have to get an OK from America, but that’s about it.

Yet, it got the head of football fired and them to hire a lawyer they had close contact amd trust with to the board.

You and the English media can blame the American owners all you want. They definitely deserve some. But it was the Woodward and Vinais taking the calls and attending the meetings. That is well documented by now.

If you recall, after quite a few very suspect deals where we paid through the nose thanks to Sanllehi and Joorabchian they brought in the lawyer to root out the corruption (still didn’t stop Willian’s joke of a contract going through).

It was an internal investigation into just one transfer. Edu is still friends with Kia.

The Athletic is just $1 a month, it really is worth it!

You’d probably get a lot out of listening to a podcast or two eg Arseblog (with McNicholas, the Athletic writer).

I have less interest in reading what a journalist unconnected with the club is speculating about.

I’ve listened to every episode for 5 years, thanks for being condescending while being wrong about everything in this conversation for days now.

The podcast you literally just told me to listen to is done by…the Arsenal writer for the athletic.

Oooh, a whole 5 years? I guess that makes you an expert on the subject by the standards of people you normally talk to.

lol liar

I subscribe to them and the double pivot on patreon dude. You’re so, so bad at this. Less action then a game of baseball.

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If that’s true you’re a very bad listener. The most recent podcast even went into this.

It’s a hot take Aofrantic that the Kroenke’s were mere bystanders to Arteta’s audacious closed shop league move