English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

One cartel saying no new cartels are allowed.

This game is not about football its about a life living to support our teams.

Hmm, I watch maybe a few matches a year, but I’ll have to re-think my fandom then. I was a City “fan” simply because a grocery checkout kid once told me I looked like Edin Dzeko (I know he’s been gone for a while now).

You could tell them that the plan of European soccerball matches in American stadiums didn’t quite come off.

Thing about CIty is, they weren’t the first to break the mould by selling to a sugar daddy (that was Chelsea), and they had been a successful club before then and suffered like no other big club (several relegations), so very few other supporters really begrudge them this the way they might serial failures like Chelsea or Spuds.


I dont know why you keep making this an anti American thing when Juve and Madrid were the two teams that thought up just about everything.

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Mr Kroenke was in from the start, apparently. Utd and Liverpool’s owners also jumped in ASAP.

There are a bunch of things at play here:

Uefa was set to, and did release plans to revamp the Champions league yesterday. The “big clubs” wanted a bigger slice of the money pie where instead they are mostly just adding teams which likely further diluted the revenues.

The “big clubs” have been trying for years to suppress players wages without hurting themselves competitively. In the EPL and Spain, wages take up about 65% of a teams revenue, vs about 50% in NA Sports. The ESL would have capped wages at 55%. The Championship (England div 2) has some teams at 80-100% of their revenue going to wages. 65% is not sustainable, 100% is really bad.

Due to wages, transfer fees and covid, a lot of the “big teams” not bankrolled by oil money or nations (basically psg, Chelsea, city) are in some levels of financial trouble. Both France and Italy had tv deals either canceled or slashed out of the blue this year, hurting revenues even further.

So I think with no fans in grounds, they tried to ram this through and consolidate power and money.

Of course they were in it, its an extra $400 million a year to them and if they weren’t in it, the spot was open to a rival. They weren’t the architects like you are painting them out to be though.

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This is wrong. You can paint Perez as the Dr Evil here as much as you want but Manure, Juve, Arse & Cess are all in this just as much.

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Utd and Pool spots weren’t open to a rival - the plan was for 20 clubs but they declared when they had 12.

Come on ffs. You’re talking about multiple winners of the CL, not minnows. Any Euro club competition that doesn’t include those two is a joke and won’t be taken seriously.

ffs UEFA even changed the CL rules to allow Liverpool to qualify even though they hadn’t.

This does not match the reporting in The Athletic or elsewhere.

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Perez has been trying this since 2008! Do you guys even bother to read actual good reporting on this issue or just go off of tweets by talking heads on TV?

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And the others haven’t?

I mean, jalfrezi is reading crap about how action packed baseball is, so we know his sources are great.

Nope. Half of these clubs didn’t even have the same owners back then!

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Chelsea sucked bigly today wtf

Russians lol

Tit was A bit rushed

Bye sawker :ok_hand:

That is Perez