English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

So you admit that you called me an asshole and told me to fuck off because you didn’t actually read, but I’m still the asshole. Ok Marty.

The argument is to say let’s try to make it less disgusting or at least keep it from becoming even more shit.

I thought it would be impossible to root against anyone fighting FIFA/UEFA. I was proven wrong.

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Do you enjoy the current CL/EL product? How many non Arsenal matches do you watch? Genuinely curious.

I do wish you’d stop calling sports “products”. Supporters have a deep emotional tie to their teams that they don’t to a bar of fucking soap and there are deep-running ties between many clubs and their local communities.


I love American sports, but I just don’t think it’s possible for them to visualize professional sport the way Europeans (or South Americans) do.

But it shouldn’t be hard. Just imagine that they cancel the NCAA tournament and turn it into a closed tournament with Duke, NC, UCLA, Kentucky and 4 other schools playing each other one a week for a full season.

This is easy, it’s called college football.

To the people in charge, there really isn’t.

You think you’re a more valuable fan than someone paying for CBS all access and DAZN, but the owners probably prefer the latter these days, or it’s a wash.

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So, are you in favor of changing NCAAB into that format? Cause it seems to me people love their Oral Roberts.

Not to mention neither Gonzaga nor Baylor would ever be a part of a super college league.

The difference is the big schools still make a ton more money and don’t share almost any of it equally. They have their own cable channels and deals. The college systems are already so far ahead in terms of cutting the little guys out of profits and gate keeping their money

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No, but your premise that Americans can’t understand these differences because euro sports are so special and different is proven wrong by your own examples. It’s not some unique problem to euro football.

None of what you wrote has anything to do what what I’m saying.
Neither does CN.

You are only arguing that it’s inevitable.

I think you’re at a point where both of you are only arguing because you are offended. Nationalism is a weird beast. American professional sports isn’t anything like European Football. For better in some aspects and for worse in others. You arguing differently is just strange.

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I “enjoy” some of the CL, and much less of the EL which is a competition almost no one wants to be in.

I watch a fair smattering of CL games and no EL games apart from Arse games. I usually watch one two every week there are games, and it costs a lot of money.


Dude this post has no content.

I don’t think Americans are genetically incapable of understanding. It’s just that professional sport in America is already built in the way of ESL so it is the only type of sport culture you are used to. How is this even debatable? For some reason your debate is “haha joke on you the only system we have that is somewhat similar is also way more skewed already”.

How is that an argument? Just take a deep breath.


A song that good can be posted every day


Surely you can understand why I thought differently.

There’s going to be massive pressure for the larger clubs to create their own league. When billions are on the line, those incentives matter. Maybe Euroland will hold off, but it’s not going to be easy.

I dont think CN nor myself are close to offended. Marty and Jal are, because they see moves like this an attack on “real” match going fans like themselves. Bigger clubs flexing their muscles and pushing out the clubs they feel they’re above playing. We get thats not nice.

Barca are a billion in debt. Arsenal, United, Spurs, Milan have missed the CL as often as they’ve made of late. It really seems they can do this and make an extra ~$300 million or more per year. The most likely result is more capitulation from uefa to serve the big clubs, being the exact thing they’ve already done in international tournaments.

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because you are so used to a certain system.

The marlins can’t get relegated to the minor leagues.
When Hinkie took advantage of the system with his Trust The Process experiment he nearly took down the entire concept of your professional leagues.

ESL is going after the American model here and you are kinda telling them to ‘sit down it will only hurt at first’