English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

They won 2-1 no?

Tab is referring to the 2-1 loss to Houduras for the U-23 side, which means the US will not participate in the Olympic Football tournament.

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The fact that the olympics are a youth tournament that no one cares about has always been strange to me.

Yup, even the worst South American teams can play and thatā€™s from experience :grin:

Well, the European championships are the same time as the Olympics.

Sure, but that isnā€™t some unsolvable problem.

Itā€™s fine, I donā€™t mind it. Itā€™s just weird to me.

From watching TV last night I can tell you who definitely canā€™t play - Frankie Boyle is embarrassingly bad at football.

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Incase you missed this oneā€¦

Unfortunately Frankie was not blessed with 2 good feet :grin:

Man, I canā€™t be doing with another hour of Louis, lifeā€™s too short lol.

Whatā€™s the story?

Iā€™ve not listened to it either, it just dropped on his twitter feed :blush:


I thought you meant he had a physical impairment. I was feeling guilty for slagging him off for not being able to kick a ball.as well as the average 7 year old.

You know how toddlers try to kick a ball ie with a straight leg? Thatā€™s Frankie.

Ohhh no sorry, thatā€™s just the way we say it up here, I should probably not use it as I think it goes back to our Rickets days. :face_with_monocle:

@Jalfrezi @marty

Looking for Jack Charlton on BBC2 tonight at 9pm.

Iā€™m going to give it a go.

So it was Scotland to thank for getting the Rep to their 1st ever tourney, nice. :ok_hand:


The draw against Bulgaria sent them through, alough we beat them just incaseā€¦

Honorary U2 appearence

He even visited the miners :ok_hand:

The kit man

Everybody :sweat_smile:

God, now Iā€™ve got a lump in my throat :cry: