English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

I don’t care and I don’t know any Arse fans who do. We’re rebuilding and what better way to do it?

3 players there who should have a combined value of 200M in the next few years. Cost us fuck all.

Wilshere’s problems came because he kept going hard into every challenge where he was an underdog, and the injuries eventually ruined him. ESR and Martinelli have had injuries but not caused by a lack of self-discipline.

No Arse fans expect that. We hope. ffs this is their breakthrough season. They just need to stay injury fee and play enough but not too many games. Havig more than one means the attention is split which is good for all 3.

I suckered myself into watching this shite tonight, I can’t think of a player I have ever hated more in my life than JohnJo Shelvey


I have to concede you have a point there

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You got me thinking

Off the top of my head

Michael Owen
John Terry
Ronnie fucking Radford
Dennis Wise
Steve McMahon
Lee Dixon
David Batty
David Speedie

Shelvey makes it into that list

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Nah, his problems were genetic. The Athletic has a good article on him. Just his body wasn’t really made to handle 50+ games a year.

Saka is nearing the Felix/Haaland/Sancho tier. Like, I think Saka is a top 10 player under 20 in the world but its still hard to progress that into being a player who is world class most games, every season.

Don’t agree with that first red at all.


@Jalfrezi at 1st I thought this was the Kilmarnock incident you were talking about as I was in the middle of reading this. :man_facepalming:


Is there like a shot clock on throw ins or could you hold it forever?

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You can book someone for delaying the restart of play. Generally won’t happen except in an obvious timewasting situation.

If I had a wand I’d just get rid of throw-ins and get the ball back in play quick with a two yard halo or something to tap in to a teammate.

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That’s how throw-in became a thing… The fans around the outside would just thrown it in :grinning:

That would be way more awesome, but in today’s game the team’s would line the front with ringers.

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Goal kicks were first introduced in 1869, allowing goalies to waste as much as 30 seconds at a time with impunity.

The first corner kicks were taken in 1872, five years after the Sheffield Rules adopted the rule. Amazingly, in that time players still haven’t mastered the procedure.

Crossbars were finally added to goals in 1875.

Penalty kicks were created in 1891. They were originally called a “kick of death” — shame it didn’t stick.

Believe it or not, there was no center referee until 1891. Before then, two umpires, one for each team, officiated the game. The first referees merely stayed on the sidelines and were “referred” to if the umpires didn’t agree. But in 1891, 100 years before Antoine Greizmann was born, the referee was given authority to whistle for fouls, call penalties and send off players. Finally, the Luis Suarezes of the world had someone to deceive.

Lawmakers decided goalkeepers shouldn’t be able to handle the ball wherever they like, so in 1912 it was decided goalies could only use their hands in the 18-yard box.


PSG is -145 to advance vs Barca in CL. Barca is terrible but PSG is only 3rd in France. Is PSG a good bet?

God knows. I’d stay away from a lot of football bets while some teams are playing behind closed doors because results are skewed more in favour of away teams. Laying the home favourite has done very well so far this PL season.

With the CL it’s even more complicated because of the two legs and both those teams have newish managers :man_shrugging:


What the downlow on the game tonight sir?

PSG or Barca :thinking:

Surly Leipzig are favourites tonight too… Along with PSG :grin:

I’m thinking PSG but I think a few of their players aren’t playing. I’ll go 1-1 draw.

Barca are favored to win wow.

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