She’s so close to getting it!
And no, I’m not claiming that Elon Musk is a card-carrying neo-Nazi.
What I am saying is that Musk isn’t an idiot. He likely knew exactly who he was signaling to with his actions, and those groups—the Nazis—are more than happy to celebrate it.
there’s no practical difference between “signaling to” nazis and being one. this is hair-splitting extraordinaire
Ban Twitter links here imo. Why do people still have that app on your phone and posting it here? Great you owned the conservatives while giving daddy musk more views
if you have a job, don’t tweet or post on social media that guys
I guess Kuffel here made a Kerfuffle I’ll see myself out
I disagree. Musk is gonna be rich one way or the other. Better to stay informed. I don’t want to use twitter but appreciate Suzzer aggregating for us.
If there is no practical difference, then it’s okay to say he’s signaling to Nazis without actually saying he’s a Nazi and we shouldn’t criticize people for doing the former rather than the latter.
Will Stancil is arguing the exact opposite. That libs should not have abandoned twitter but stayed and fought. That the resistance last time did work and that there’s less is cowardice from the left. Is he right? I’m not sure but he’s all-in on fighting fire with fire.
I think he’s right on some things. I also don’t think those two things you quoted are mutually exclusive.
I agree with Will that we try too hard to force messaging. You can’t predict what will go viral or what will work. So we throw everything against the wall and see what sticks…THEN we rally around that message. That’s what the GOP does (there’s always that few hours after an event where they don’t have their messaging and everyone is saying everything to see what works) and it’s what works in our new attention-based environment.
I also don’t think we should leave twitter. Bubbles are bad.
But what we DO throw out there can’t be stuff that makes people feel dumb.
I’m not a comms person so I don’t know the answer, but this feels correct, lol.
My Twitter engagement has declined 90%+ but it still has its uses, even if mainly to confirm “holy crap, they actually said that.” That said, in most situations I think screenshots are the right approach.
I think that’s right. At least don’t do it directly.
Yes, you need to just throw stuff out there instead of adhering to a technocratic belief that you can design things to be viral. You don’t need to have everyone on your side for the right reasons. I’m not good at this because I prefer to have my reasoning lined up first. I’m also not good at avoiding making people feel dumb.
Fighting is what the Nazis want. They need the foils. It’s much harder to own the libs without libs to own.
Speech writer for GWB = argue bargle I guess
Not only allowed, but does the site pay for the Twitter API? (There was that period when it broke and that was when they stopped allowing free usage)
AFAIK Elon ended up walking back the API lockdown thing, I don’t think spidercrab is paying for it.
I can’t find a way to block Twitter posts aside from adding the words “” and “” to the ban list, I can give that a shot if someone wants to start a poll and the majority of the forum wants it done.
The site can definitely block it. Not saying it should, but you have to add a key in the admin interface. I know they wanted money for that, but that might have just been for a short time.
Make a better platform/community and I’ll use it instead of twitter. Until then I’m not going to deprive myself to spite Elon over a few cents.
Hes a fucking nazi dude.
They still get good philosophy and sports follows. Letting a nazi profit off you is a small price to pay