So Elon says there should be no regulations and when a company fucks up they just take a big fine
I assume space x will be compensating all the airlines that were forced to divert and waste millions of dollars cause of this failed launch that caused airspace to be shut down.
He’s 53 years old. There probably werent a lot of z x spectrums or whatever in apartheid south africa even for an emerald mine owners son. At that age “gamer” is a lifestyle choice more so than now when everyone plays a bit of fifa or cod at least. If he’s never done it before why would he think it’d be any different to all the other shit he pretends to do? He convinced people he was a rocket scientist for fucks sake.
Like ‘pay people to do a thing, take credit for that thing, have everyone call you a super genius’ has a 100% success rate so far. But grinding some lame ass nerd game is going to be different? Those freaks already love me. I’ll even name my character after their favourite frog. So epic bacon!
lol exactly. The fact that Steam insist on telling you (and everyone else) exactly how much time you have spent playing every game in you library boggles my mind. Who would want this?
If the people in my life found out how many games of World of Tanks I played over the last 14 years I might have to quit my job and change my identity.
Ok, just checked my Steam library. My most played game is Sea of Thieves at 1555 hours. It’s actually a little more than that because I started on Xbox Game Pass.
Next is Binding of Isaac: Rebirth at 733 hours.
The funniest is third: Spiral Knights. According to steam, I haven’t played it since 2014, but I’m guessing it’s really longer than that and that moment was just a pop-in to have a look. IIRC, it is a cartoony, multi-player dungeon crawler. I think I really got into the game economy, buying and selling stuff to try to get powerful without spending money.
My most played game is Overwatch/Overwatch 2. I don’t have it installed on the PC I’m typing from, but I’m probably at like 2500-2600 hours, the vast majority of that pre-Overwatch 2. I’ll have to check later.
EDIT: Just realized some of the hour counts aren’t all me. My kids played on my Steam account before I let them have their own. Hence over 300 hours each on Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Octodad. I think Binding of Isaac is all me (it’s one of my son’s top 3 all time games).
My most played game ever had to be EverQuest. I had over 365 days played on my main account character and I had like eight accounts and like 50 characters. I triple boxed that game.
I have 1600 hours on CS:GO and I stink. I don’t really bother playing anymore because the skill curve is too brutal to overcome as an older, more casual gamer.
“I don’t know what it is, it’s red lights … I don’t know what it is,” a pilot of Silver Airways flight 127 told controllers. In response, the pilot was advised to lower his altitude and was permitted to deviate from his flight path to avoid debris. The plane landed safely in San Juan.
Scott Manley speculates that the breakup was due to activation of the flight termination system and that in this circumstance it might have been better to leave it intact. Elon didn’t mention FTS so I’m going with Scott’s theory.
I played Assassins Creed once (thru my son who has a ton of these games) and got bored running around and jumping off buildings after an hour so went back to tetris on my phone.