Elon Musk: The Reichest Man Alive

comments below are great

according to musk he was going to have us on mars two years ago
covid won’t have any new cases in april of that year

he always says shit like this though, always overpromises the world and the media eats it up instead of just ignoring it

dude was full blown dunning kruger on covid, but they won, nobody cared, tl dr.

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Teslas were suppose to be self driving robotaxis like 5 years ago.


and robotaxis were due last August

Racist, misogynist asshole that hates his trans daughter?

A-Ok says Mr. Polk.

Lying about how you got your video game level?

Now wait just a goddamn minute!


If he’s capable of that who knows what else he might do


This is partly because the anthropological concept of culture doesn’t work very well at the nation level.


If he has no principles when the stakes are so low, how can you expect him to have any when something matters? It would be like banning someone for 10 years on a forum when you were not allowed to permaban them. How could such a person ever really be trusted?


Waymo is amazing btw

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Get your let them fight memes out. I’ve been banging on about this POE fraud stuff because it matters to a lot of people who don’t give two shits about politics.

“The little bitch boy removed asmon’s check on twitter lmfao.”

Is Elon saying hiring youtube editors is the same as hiring people to play Path of Exile for him? Also apprently Elon took away Asmons blue checkmark because of the youtube videos???

This shit is going to go fucking nuclear tomorrow. Its over for Elon. Im tired of this fucking regard now. Hes burning every bridge, turning every neutral party and every ally into an enemy. This guy DOES NOT belong in politics. He literally cannot fucking control himself.


Watch this vid if you haven’t yet and enjoy seeing Elon humiliated.


The video game claim is classic oligarch stuff. Right out of trumps playbook. Make an insane claim to muddy the news cycle. Everyone spends a bunch of time on it even though it doesn’t matter. All that time spent reduces the time people are looking at important issues. And as a side benefit it works for some people. They cited his video game prowess on Econtalk which is the longest running economics podcast and one that is very data focussed and not conspiracy addled. It worked to just lie and some people take it up, even smart people.

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Narrator: It was not over for Elon.


people here completely missing the point about the video game thing - elon’s “audience” that he has an inexplicable grip on is mostly palm-colored (white) males with an inferiority complex that lean hard into incel shit. Video games are a vector into that group (foreign adversaries have realized this too). I consider myself better at video games than several 9’s of the population and this shit drives me insane because of the ridiculous conversations I have to have with people absolutely sold hook line and sinker on this fraud. It just adds to his cult, which is 99.999% fraud. if you dont know who asmongold is, he’s a serial hoarder that’s made a career off of mostly reaction vids and absolutely garbage world of warcraft content, he’s kind of the “incel” king. Like, none of this matters of course, ultimately, but it does signal something.


got em

A couple thoughts on this.

If these people aren’t associating Trump with Elon and leaving MAGA due to this stuff, then it doesn’t move the needle at all. Elon doesn’t need votes from these guys, he is probably content being a behind the scenes kingmaker, especially if he can find a way to influence politics in many countries the way he did for Trump.

And honestly where else do these incel losers have to go? They’ll be back in Elon’s fan club because he’s one of the few people who will have them and make their views seem mainstream. I don’t think Asmongold (whoever this guy is) is going to come out in 4 years and vote for Beshear, Newsome, Buttigieg or Whitmer because of this.

I agree with the takes that this is classic oligarch stuff and the fact that everyone is talking about whether Elon is really good at video games or is stealing valor is already a win because normies are just going to see this in the same way as Trump’s fake physical or golf handicap.


I am not really following this Elon Musk gamer story but I can say this; if I was a middle aged guy who was legitimately great at a PC game, I would go to great lengths to make sure nobody found out.


best political outcome is they go back into their holes because they have realized their emperor has no clothes. and the guys like asmon tell their fanboys to stay home.

i like the incel king label for asmon these days, but he did legit have an instagram model girlfriend for awhile before he went full hobo.

nothing like being in your late 30s and telling a bunch of your friends that you play rec sports with that you have plans on a random thursday while trying not to reveal that it’s just a new phase of World of Warcraft classic launching.



But this is cool, RIGHT?

Think of all the things I could have learned with 2,500 hours. That’s roughly how long it me took to research and write a 500-page book.


All this reminds me of …