Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

I think a yahrzeit is a memorial of sorts for someone who has died. A minyan is a gathering of 10 men, and at least ten are needed to do certain prayers. So he is saying that he’d sooner not memorialize his father with proper prayer then he would allow Steven Miller to be a part of the group doing the praying. Or something like that, I think. It’s all orthodox or more conservative Judaism stuff that I know little about.



Nice job. More specifically, yahzreit is the anniversary of someone’s passing. But yeah, you’ve got the gist.

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Elon going to start an official left wing watchdog Twitter bot.

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Libs of TikTok is a thing that exists on Twitter as far as I know.

And obviously it’ll be ‘this guy said we should gas all the Jews, sure but on the other hand look at this guy who said rich people should pay more tax to help the poor and suffering’. Both sides amirite.

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Yeah, Simon “gets it” when it comes to the clear evidence of Syed’s guilt.

I like how I have no idea what any of these are except for the faintest idea that he was a state senator and then President.

He can’t even get the facts right. Obama didn’t “take his place”. Ryan was his supposed to be opponent in the election. (Obama would have kicked his ass anyway without the scandal.)

Goddamn, Elon might literally be the worst poster in the history of the internet.


The best part is that “winning the presidency” is not the big domino. Instead second fiddle to “alleged to have had sex”

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Isn’t Jack Ryan a Tom Clancy protagonist?

Plus he has two first names and no last name. What a dick.

The stuff about the sex clubs came out when some of the court records from his divorce were unsealed. Random trivia is his ex wife was the actress Jeri Ryan who played Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager

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That’s not random trivia. It’s the only reason I know who her husband was.


“How am I in this war?” Musk asked Isaacson.

That must not have come up during his conversations with Putin.

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I don’t remember the Obama gay orgy stuff some people just have fantasies I don’t I guess

elon should run for president, sure you might say he’s not born in america and thus doesn’t qualify or he’s horrible and that would be bad but does that matter to republicans? I think not.