Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

When I think of Mexico’s remote villages I don’t think of people who can afford $500 to $1000 for receivers… Starlink

I realize I should be the last to throw stones in this area, but I’m not loving Elon’s beard here

Not sure what you’re talking about, all his close advisors say it is an A1 beard, very manly, looks like a viking but tougher. Yes, sir, Mr. Musk! Right away, Mr. Musk!


God help us, Elon has gone full neckbeard.

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Lost in the shuffle here is that the supposed “actual truth” is actually one of the most inscrutable posts I have ever read; starts off with “dialectical hatred” and just gets more incoherent from there. I’m too dumb for the discourse, I guess…


Dumb people mistake obscure writing for intelligence all the time.


The image left some of it out. Full tweet that Elon agrees with:

Jewish communties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.

I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that [they] support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.

You want truth said to your face, there it is.

Basically, “Jews have tried to replace white people with browns and now they wish they hadn’t.”

Elon has gone full JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US.

I thought they were afraid of Jews taking their spots, but is it really that Jews are trying to give their spots to immigrants?

He also tweeted this, which is incoherent but I think he’s saying that Jews are prevented (by wokeness?) from attacking minorities, so instead they attack white people? Gotta attack somebody!

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Just to add to this, Jordan Peterson is the king of this method of faux intellectualism as sophistry. He delivers complete bullshit to dumb people, but dresses it all up in highfalutin quasi-intellectual psuedo-scientific jargon and the crowd of angry young men with no critical thinking skills or media literacy skill mistake it for wisdom.


What they are afraid of is acknowledging that their failures are their own fault, not someone else’s. They’ll pivot to and from whatever narrative provides them with the safe space that they need.

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It really is that second sentence that amazes me. Maybe I’m just illiterate, but trying to parse that makes me feel like I am passing through to some alternate dimension. If you want to prematurely pat yourself on the back for providing blunt truths then maybe a little editing is in order.

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Gen Z is ruining Marxism for the rest of us.


My instincts still really want to say that he’s mentally ill or on drugs. It’s so hard to accept that people “in their right minds” think this way, but obviously I know they do.

Thinking from a racial coalition perspective it’s trying to get Jewish people into the ‘white conservative’ coalition

That was the prevailing explanation I read at the time of the Charlottesville rally. Looking it up now gives me this as the top result:

“In its simplest and most straightforward interpretation,” she (scholar of Jewish history Deborah Lipstadt) explained, “that chant can be understood to say Jews will not replace ‘us,’ i.e., white Christians in our job or our dominant place in society. We as whites will remain the dominant and supreme force in society.”

She also pointed to a “subtler but deeply ideological meaning to this chant,” rooted in the fear referred to by white nationalists as the “great replacement” or “white genocide.” The Charlottesville chant is expressing centuries-old fears that Jews, in league with peoples of color, are engaged in a nefarious plot to destroy the white Christian civilization.

David Lane, a white supremacist convicted, among other crimes, of conspiring in the 1984 machine-gun assassination of the Jewish talk-radio host Alan Berg in Denver, did much to publicize this idea. “The Western nations,” he wrote, “were ruled by a Zionist conspiracy … [that] above all things wants to exterminate the White Aryan race.”

His 14-word goal, today a central plank of white nationalist ideology, declares that “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

It’s not hard to get people into the white conservative coalitiion. We’ve got millions of hispanic white supremacists in the US.

IIRC Elon’s latest remark fits with his previous ones about population and abortion, which seemed to specifically imply that white people need to have more babies and fewer abortions.

It’d say it’s subtly different. In the great replacement theory Jews are actively trying to import minorities to swamp white conservative citizens. It was created when Jewish immigrants were perceived as largely and implacably liberal, communist, or socialists and not up for persuasion into the conservative camp.

Musk’s post is slightly different.

Now Jewish members aren’t seen as holistically and implacably left leaning but up for persuasion. So now it’s not so much that Jews are an outside menace to society but there are wrong headed Jews who for whatever reason are misguided and need to go through a mugged by reality transformation by recognizing that minorities are anti-Semitic while white conservatives aren’t and join conservative coalition.


When I say the n-word and you say “the n-word”, that’s dialectics baby.

That can’t even be called a beard