Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

Nah - CEO’s going to need a bigger incentive bonus structure to get them out of the jam they all created.


Papa needs another $56 billion bonus.

A study released Thursday by the media-rating service NewsGuard found that 74 percent of the worst Israel-Gaza misinformation on X had been spread by paid-for blue “verified” accounts.

Ponied by risky

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A pleasure, as always


Ive been reading some of Daniel Negraneu’s insanity on there lately, and there is a pretty stark contrast in replies.

Blue checks: Awesome, you’re amazing Daniel, thats why youre the best, we love you and everything you say.

Non blue checks: Dude, put your phone down, maybe take some time off this. Youre a poker player, not a fucking world news reporter. Get some perspective.

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Cliffs for those like me who don’t feel like doing work to check this out?

“Everybody who says “hey maybe we shouldnt cheer on the killing of innocent Palestinians” 100% supports Hamas and are antisemites.”
Is about the extent of the current stuff.

He reposted this about 20 hours ago


Pretty sure Walt is going to be driving a Cybertruck in the 2031 reboot of Breaking Bad.


Dang. Sorry to hear that about Daniel but I think I get it. He has a huge platform and a big voice. It’s only natural for him to think about how to use his voice to help. But just as with MeToo and BLM, sometimes the most helpful thing a big voice can do is shut up and leave that space open. There’s only so much oxygen in the room. I think it’s healthy to be mindful whether adding my voice sucks all the air out of the conversation.

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Finally, a car to protect me from all the Tommy Guns I deal with on a daily basis.


I feel this is a big part of the problem - Musk cares about random crap he thinks is cool (being bullet proof and able to be a boat) and devotes tons of resources to it, but then ignores the basic stuff that people actually care about. Like it you asked people to name the top 100 things they wanted in a car, I doubt bullet proof makes the list (unless it’s a ITYSL skit).


Tommy guns are the plague of the 21st century.


Elon sees every terrorist group using the toyota pickup truck and wants a piece of that market




Elon’s .50 caliber should have no trouble passing clear through. Might make a good test of battery safety.

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Loooool “we”

“Our” stock is down to 211 a share

Oh god, I need a “Tim Robinson designs the cybertruck” sketch right fucking now

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I wonder how an AR-5 style assault gun would perform… I bet it would do better than a WWI/II submachine gun. Anyway, we will find out; at some point one of them YT shooting channels will spray this thing with all kinds of rounds from 2mm Kolibri to .50 BMG.