Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

I got Bluesky invites if anyone wants in.

I’ve nearly already stopped to going to twitter since they rebranded to x. I think I’ve maybe checked it a couple of times since then.

Needa “never joined and never will, but thx for the AOC, Rupar/Dale and Big Orange Moron bots” choice.


i have exactly 0 tweets posted, but i scroll it for fun a couple times a day. if the monthly charge is literally 1 penny, im still out.


AOC tweets from here make up maybe 80% of all the tweets I’ve ever read I think. With 15% for Trump bot

I kinda wish he’d do it bc I think it’s bad for me but I guess he already walked it back.

BTW, what’s the deal with tweets not embedding? Did the assholes drive out the only people who can make that happen on this site? Could you do it Suzzer?

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Elon decided to not allow it, or make it expensive, something like that.

I have seen it done elsewhere, but I think it requires admin authority and some ability to work the backend software.

Some comedy still to be on Twitter though


Musk first acknowledged the deaths of the macaques on September 10 in a reply to a user on his social networking app X (formerly Twitter). He denied that any of the deaths were “a result of a Neuralink implant” and said the researchers had taken care to select subjects who were already “close to death.” Relatedly, in a presentation last fall Musk claimed that Neuralink’s animal testing was never “exploratory,” but was instead conducted to confirm fully formed scientific hypotheses. “We are extremely careful,” he said.

Public records reviewed by WIRED, and interviews conducted with a former Neuralink employee and a current researcher at the University of California, Davis primate center, paint a wholly different picture of Neuralink’s animal research. The documents include veterinary records, first made public last year, that contain gruesome portrayals of suffering reportedly endured by as many as a dozen of Neuralink’s primate subjects, all of whom needed to be euthanized.


There’s no way he was seriously thinking about doing it. Probably just floating the idea to see if by some miracle, maybe 1/3 or more of the userbase actually would consider paying to stay on, in which case he’d probably be fine losing the rest in exchange for a nice passive income stream and a Netflix-style strat of counting on people being too lazy to cancel, slowly raising prices, etc.

As soon as he saw that 98% of people were like “lololol no” that was it for the idea.



Everybody knows that when conservatives complain about pedos, they actually mean LGBTQ people that “groom” children by…checks notes existing.



“Shuffle paperwork” lol, I’m coming around to Devil’s side.

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To really understand what’s happening I imagine you’d want to dissect their brains. Slice em up real thin and see if any neurons are getting fried or whatever. Can’t really do that if the monkeys are alive. Thank you for your service monkeys, I’m filing this under nbd

How many monkeys would you kill (euthanize, nothing gruesome) to significantly improve the lives of paralyzed human beings
  • Zero
  • Twelve
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands

0 voters

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Voted thousands based on assumptions that:

  1. The monkeys do not suffer at all, their otherwise comfortable lives are merely ended.
  2. Most if not all paralyzed people will have full functionality restored.
  3. The monkey population is not adversely impacted.

Personally, probably zero. Likelihood would be that I’m too squeamish to go through with it.

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