Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

This is a real scary thought.

Elon is chomping at the bit for trump to get re-elected.

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I don’t get what the problem is, they should have all the technology already. And there are zero navigation issues, the thing has just to follow a fixed, static path. Maybe localization is the issue, because they can’t get a GPS signal down there? However, ChatGPT tells me:

Tesla uses a combination of advanced localization methods for its vehicles, including:

  1. GPS (Global Positioning System): Provides general location tracking, though it can be less effective in areas with poor satellite visibility.
  2. IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit): Tracks vehicle motion and orientation, particularly when GPS signals are weak.
  3. Cameras: Used for vision-based localization, identifying landmarks, road signs, and lane markings.
  4. Sensor Fusion: Tesla integrates data from multiple sensors (GPS, IMU, cameras) through neural networks to improve accuracy.

Tesla previously used radar, but it is moving towards a vision-only system for localization, relying heavily on deep learning algorithms to interpret sensor data. This multi-sensor approach allows for precise navigation even in challenging environments.

So in principle they should be able to e.g. paint any abstract non-repeating pattern (or even a realistic landscape) on the tunnel walls to make it work. Or use GPS repeaters, or your own local radio-based guidance system, or whatever they use in theme parks to make similar stuff work. I doubt you would need much resources (under 10 Mil within a year?) to have at least a working prototype. But for some reason Elon isn’t putting resources on this.

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They should consult these guys:

They even have a formula one track lol:

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gonna go godzilla on that shit




Are there investors in X? Cause this is the kinda thing that one would think would get the CEO fired.

No, just people who gave loans. Elon’s there to stay as long as he keeps selling Tesla stock to make those payments.

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I’m pretty sure there are other shareholders but Musk has majority ownership so not too much they can do.

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His investors want him to clown the Dems.

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brazil is seizing starlink assets citing that they are in the “same economic group” since musk owns 74% of twitter and maintains 79% of the voting power in starlink/space X. (42% ownership)


I heard Brazil is seizing starlink property because of the dispute with X.


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Just saw my first non-white-male Cybertruck driver (young Asian woman) in Little Tokyo LA.

Have seen 4 now in the Boston area.

How the eff do you see who’s driving a cyber truck

Even from up high in an 18-wheeler I can’t really see into them

This is a surprisingly common sight in the SGV. The Cybertruck is the new G Wagon.

Generally it’s very hard to see except through the windshield, but I was right next to this one and the light was right.

I think the three I saw in San Diego earlier this summer were all driven by Indian-looking gentlemen.

The ones I saw were getting in/out of their cars and so plainly visible.


Brazilian officials have since said that they have no record of Starlink providing internet to the schools. Mr. Baigorri, who helped approve Starlink’s entry into Brazil, told The Times in February that he never knew of any actual plans to connect the schools. “I don’t really think that it even existed,” he said.

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