Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Not nearly enough zeroes.

Do I just have to be present while it’s playing and let my mind wander? If so, then $5k is good.

If I have to write up a summary or take a quiz afterwards to prove I listened to all of it? $100k.

I’ll do it for $100 if anyone is offering


The Elon cult of personality is nearly as embarrassing as the Trump cult. How are fully-grown adults still buying his Neuralink/Hyperloop/Mars colony bullshit?


Lots of people find it pretty hard to admit to themselves that they’ve been duped, and will jump through some pretty serious hoops to keep their brains from breaking.

We have one still here. Maybe they want to chime in on why they still believe.

I think its the same as the “religious” trumpers. Sometimes god (cool space shit) works via an impure vessel.


I’d listen to that podcast for dinner at that French Laundry place. It’d be cool to be allowed to post in that thread.


You listen to that whole thing and give us a summary of the highlights and lowlights and and answer follow up questions and I’ll ship you $100. I trust you not to just crib some AI summary :)

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ChatGPT can write a summary

Just take the YouTube transcript and feed it to chatgpt

Fuck ChatGPT with a rusty chainsaw. I want a human take by someone I know. I want the good stuff distilled down and the ability to probe further into areas I’m interested in.


Haha alright, let me see if I can carve out 7 hours tomorrow…

No, they banned what’s his name


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Do you guys think they staged the Starship test flight like they staged the moon landing or something? Or the successful Neuralink trial? I wouldn’t recommend “believing” anything Musk says, because he’s deranged and dishonest and optimistic to the point of delusion even when he’s not lying or hallucinating. BUT he launches a lot of wildly ambitious projects and a reasonable percentage of them succeed. Just look at this rocket engine man:


Like, the guy says, “We’re going to build a new rocket engine with a never-before-used fuel mix and power cycle, and it’s going to have 40% of the thrust of the F1 used on the Saturn V, but we’re going to put 33 of the fuckers on the booster. They’ll be infinitely restartable and reusable, because the entire rocket will be reusable. And oh yeah, it will have enough power to carry two entire space shuttles to orbit. We need a rocket like that to get to Mars!” and then he does it, and you guys are like “What a fraud, no one’s even gone to Mars yet!”

If it makes you feel any better I just don’t like him because he’s a white supremacist and hates trans people.


There’s your cult of personality right there.


You work cheap lol

The telling part is that this super smart incredibly hard working multi billionaire has the time to take 7 hours out of his day to do an interview


I couldn’t talk about myself for more than 5 minutes.


i’m like an hour in, he’s smart :man_shrugging:t3:

when he’s not talking about politics, i’d even say he’s interesting. i listen to all of lex’s interviews and like him too though, he’s interested in the same kinda things i am.

next few chapters are history and geopolitics so i’ll probably just skip those lol.

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