Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

You are massively underestimating what is going to happen. Look at Russia 20 years ago and the formation of the oligarchy.

More like Ford and Exxon are nationalized and given to Elon.


Trump needs you until he doesn’t. And when he doesn’t he screws you. Maybe Elon is just hedging or maybe he is gullible enough to think this time is different.

Sure, but most of the oligarchs from when Putin took power are dead, some have even been replaced multiple times. So while it’s likely that Tesla will initially get more power, there are good odds that it won’t be Elon at the helm for long (the dude is too full of himself that he’s bound at some point to piss off a Trump King).

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Also subsidies going away would benefit the established companies more than the start ups

Once you are a major player bring in the regulations

El0n is apparently giving 45 million per month to Trump until the election. good stuff.

unrelated to that: have any of you guys that still use twitter ever clicked on the “probable spam” at the end of a thread and realized it’s never actually spam it’s just random comments from non blue checks? the spam is all blue checked in the thread. just a great thing that we are still using…


Either that or nudity. It’s a mystery box.

Yeah crypto spam 3rd post down and then actual replies behind the probable spam header is nice.

That cant be legal

I sometimes check and they’re often legit comments. When something significant happens, like the um missed-shot or Cannon’s dismissal, there’s too many terrible paid-for blue check comments to find any real replies.

This is the truly baffling part to me. These guys are so rich, they already won. Once you board the Trump train he can take it all away. Just sit on the sidelines and enjoy being outrageously rich!


There are plenty of people like this, we just don’t hear about them. There’s over 3,000 billionaires worldwide, only a handful of them elevate to the public consciousness by being so narcissistic and emotionally fragile that they are constantly in the public eye complaining about things because of some real or perceived disrespect.

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we don’t understand because we haven’t consistently been hitting 2 outters over and over again our whole lives while having everyone around us tell us that everything worked out because we’re the genius savior of mankind.


not only that, if trump somehow fumbles the bag here, now you’ve got a senile dinosaur gunning for you, just seems like a complete idiot move

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Yes but then take one look at a Cybertruck and it all makes sense.

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Increased tariffs on China would crush way more than subsidies could make up for, though. Tesla does a ton of business in China and sales are already declining there.

I think it’s benefits firms who sell traditional ice cars. If you add 7500$ to the price of Tesla there just going to sell less. Everyone will sell less.

Economies of scale generally work when you increase production. Once production goes into decline cost start to rise again.

I’m sure there is some major grift/corruption in the near future. At the very least we will no longer have too listen to the SEC, FTC OR NHSTA. !

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Also Elon: people should only present themselves in a way that is consistent with how they were born.