Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Easy, they have a warning that says “Full Self Driving” isn’t actually fully self driving and you need to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all times.

If it weren’t for the rear view mirrors I would have a hard time determining which end is the front and rear.


The family of the victim should sue Tesla. Find someone to take the case pro-bono just to get the story out there. Tesla “Full Self Driving” has killed
something like 17 people so its not even a news worthy story anymore.

Only trained professionals should be using this software suite because the average person cant be trusted to ensure it doesn’t kill someone or themselves!

Not only should the family of the victim sue, the guy facing years in prison should as well.


Don’t think he would win because he was also negligent.

Would there not be some kind of proportional liability?

Oh he is not only negligent but he is criminally liable however he has been defrauded big time.
i don;t think he would win but he should definitely try!



[Nevermind, thought it was a finger.]

(Moskovitz is Billionare Facebook cofounder)


It’s a follow-up to this:

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It is so 2024 that you have a billionaire literally getting deep into the data to expose Elon’s fraud.

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Aug 2023 CFO Zachary Kirkhorn unexpectantly leaves the company after 13 years. CAO takes over and his filling both CFO and CAO position to date. Is this a governance issue? Seems like it me but no else seems to care.

April 2024 Head of investor relations steps down to spend more time with his family. Doesn’t seem like a planned departure?

My take is Tesla is screwed. Musk said they would sell more cars this year then last and that just seems impossible. Tesla would need to sell 510,000 just to be on pace with 23. That would be the best Quarter they ever had after seeing the worst Q over Q and sequential decline they have seen in 5 years. Then they need two more great quarters on top of that! How do they get there when other car makers are bringing new EVS online at all different price points while Tesla is also competing with itself. There is a robust used Tesla market with cars available for 25k and less.

The 45 cents of earnings that Tesla got in the first quarter is likely to be the high point of the year. The macro environment is detartrating and interest rates are not coming down meaningfully any time soon. Maybe if we get 5$ a gallon gas Tesla can sell more cars but that is the only scenario I see that can make any kind of difference.

Musk just lied through his teeth on the conference call because he is desperate to keep the stock price from falling further. This is a sinking ship and these analyst just ignore the fundamental bear case. The low end of the estimates for Q2 and Q3 are way to high at .42 and .37 respectfully. Even the bears are smoking the best humble county grown hopium they can get!

That’s my take. Somebody please show me how I am wrong and convince me to cover my short. Because i cant figure out who is buying this stock!


iirc Tesla is on its 4th CFO? not sure exactly

eta also their Investor Relations head Martin Viecha, who had been there for almost seven years, left right after the earnings call

Low effort, someone can do better


Accounting bros getting him

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What do I need to root for to happen so that Tesla goes out of business?

Did they resurrect Johnny Cash?

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sounds like they are just fucking around and finding out.


Affect, Effect

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