Elon Musk: Dork MAGA


Elon is a sixteen year old with like 8 kids.


And he’s literally filing meritless lawsuits to squelch free speech. A week ago one of his cases was dismissed via anti-SLAPP with an award of attorneys fees.


I love when he doesn’t look up because he knows there are cameras and the bad guys are like “wow this guy is good”

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You can look at this guy and instantly know he’s not funny. Though kudos to him from being under 60 which is where I would put the over/under on owner on the Bee

People like this confuse failing at comedy with speech suppression.


He’s at 11 that we know about.

He has more than enough money to have 5 more NDA kids.

I took your quarters online and sold your account for 2 bucks
eBay came and bought it for billions, what the fuck?
Have a baby by me baby, be a millionaire
I write the check before the baby comes, who the fuck cares?
I’m stanky rich, I’mma die trying to spend this shit

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Literal Nazi




Reuters article on Tesla cheap EV getting aXed.

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The company is objectively fucked. Lol 500 billion dollar market cap.

Tying it all together


  • Tesla, for the third time in eight years, dangles the robotaxi carrot, with an announcement scheduled for August 8, possibly meaning 2024 and not 2044.
  • Tesla first announced in October 2016 that all Teslas produced as of then were Level 5 (robotaxi) capable, pending a software download.
  • Tesla held a major robotaxi event in April 2019 and promised one million robotaxis on the road by 2020. It, too, was false.
  • Today’s robotaxi pre-announcement came hours after the Reuters article claiming that Tesla halted the development on its $25,000 “Model 2” vehicle.
  • In my opinion, this shows an unusual level of stress and desperation by Tesla’s highest leadership. Things must be really bad.

As we saw only a couple of days ago, on April 2 with Tesla’s quarterly unit sales report, Tesla’s business is now in outright decline on its most generous metric (unit sales). Margins have been coming down for a year. Then came this Reuters article claiming that the $25,000 “Model 2” development had been halted. All of a sudden this “August 8” reveal of the Tesla robotaxi pops out of Musk’s twitter account. How convenient!

As we used to say during The Cold War, it is not a coincidence. The rivets on the Tesla stock market supertanker were starting to pop, down over 50% from its November 2021 high. Musk panicked and is now, yet again, promising a robotaxi “unveil” on August 8, possibly meaning 2024 as opposed to 2025 or 2044.

I have no doubt that Tesla will produce an impressive demo and promise that it will soon be available, “pending final software testing.” Therein lies the rub: There is always a “but” and this “but” now has us at almost eight full years since the first robotaxi (Level 5 autonomy) announcement in October 2016. Still no (recent) testing filed with the authorities, still needing to have your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Nowhere close to driverless.

I doubt this “robotaxi” will be made available for truly independent and universal testing on August 8, regardless of year. Rides will likely be offered in ideal sunbelt weather, in familiar surroundings (Silicon Valley, Austin etc). Rides will likely be heavily supervised. In other words, not the real world – not Level 5 and therefore not a viable robotaxi.

I am sure that we will hear confident statements from Musk that we are finally “extremely close” but we have heard that movie before. There is just no evidence for it.


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As Reuters says, Elon’s been thinking about focusing on the robotaxi for a while.

Musk has wavered on the project before. In a biography of the entrepreneur released last year, author Walter Issacson reported that Musk in 2022 “put a hold on” the entry-level EV plans, reasoning that a Tesla robotaxi would make the car irrelevant. Musk’s advisors urged him to stay the course, the book said.

Now, especially after getting sidetracked by cybertruck, maybe he’s forced to do it. It’s better, ofc, if he doesn’t admit it. Just make another lol projection.

It’s been eight years and Tesla (Musk) can’t get a functional robotaxi off the ground.

Meanwhile, there is an operational driverless robotaxi/bus that runs in a constant loop in the town where I live deep in the Japanese countryside.

It’s not a Tesla.


Distribution is nowhere near even. The odds you get crimes by someone who lives/works near you is way higher than someone that lives 50 miles away (say center of cities vs rural outlying areas).

The Indians laid off by Amazon can help remotely drive the robotaxis.


o7 respect for Brazil. They seem less concerned than the US about hitting back at fascists.


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How can it be “due process-free” if it’s coming from a judge?

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Brazil is kicking our ass at dealing with fascist assholes lately

A lot of ways, probably. Prosecutor or whoever goes to judge and asks for order, it’s granted without the defendant having knowledge or getting a chance to defend themselves etc.