Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

It’s amazing what can’t be done if you just don’t care enough.


Is it possible to do that in a cost-effective way? I think it makes sense to make people who want more moderation to pay for it.

algorithms are people, my friend.



I imagine this is what it looks like if you let people pay money to ban someone…

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Elon tweeting out conspiracy theorist Matt Walsh doing AI panic about the exclusion of white people.


It would be like if people were allowed to curate their own threads. Twitter allows people to limit who can reply to posts. If I owned Twitter, that’s the kind of feature I would charge people for. What if you had to pay for the ability to block other users and you could also pay to use someone else’s block list?

Oh cool; an opportunity to repeat a favourite that Finbarr would appreciate:

A woman walks into a bar and asks the barman for a double entendre. So he gave her one.


It sounds to me like that doesn’t solve any of the underlying problems with bad moderation, it just distributes it across a site. And it doesn’t stop bad behavior the author of posts commit, it just creates little safe havens for it on a post to post basis. In the end it just sounds like a different way to ignore people, except your force everyone else in the thread to ignore them too.

this seems like overengineering, just don’t use the site if you don’t like it

if there were only one website in the world then maybe this would make sense

if you think about it what you’re talking about already exists, it’s just that it’s for “the whole internet” and the product you’re talking about is called “different websites”

I think stopping Nazis from posting is too difficult of a goal and stopping people from seeing posts by Nazis if they don’t want to see them is more workable.

If we have different websites, I’d want a website that aggregates those websites and put all of the information in one place.

Stopping Nazis from posting is ez peasy; you find a nazi you ban them. The trick is minimizing the misidentification of non-Nazis, and hoping that your Nazi isn’t good at maths. It also turns out that people who don’t want to read Nazi posts tend to stay away from sites where Nazis are allowed to post, so banning them is good for the site as well as your soul.

Getting rid of blatant Nazis, sure. I just don’t think it’s worth trying to get rid of the people who can color within the lines and use dog whistles even though it’s obvious they are Nazis.

We’ll agree to disagree. I don’t want to try and look in someone’s heart of hearts to try and tell what they are doing, but over time if the body of work of a poster is more disruptive than constructive they should go. If someone can support their position using dog whistles and not saying the magic words they probably don’t need to be banned as long as they are arguing in good faith. The problem has always been that people who hate {protected class} never seem to be able to talk about them without calling them {racist pejorative}.

You would think so but it seems like social media companies aren’t really interested in this. No matter how many times I tell YouTube I don’t want to see conservative stuff, it eventually gets around to deciding that actually I MUST want to watch Jordan Peterson videos because I am a man. I assume the Nazi stuff is the same, like if I even hint that I might be interested in WWII history then it will triangluate that with my whiteness and maleness and hurl a torrent of racist conservative toxic masculinity content at me just in case.

The problem with AI based content moderation is you end up with legitimate accounts discussing history talking about how the evil mustache man got unalived, or god forbid you want to talk about anything related to race or sexual assault. AI sucks at differentiating between a legitimate discourse on a sensitive topic and hate speech.

It’s probably fine for filtering out porn bots, but that’s always been a cat and mouse game.

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i think removing the ability to block users runs afoul of both apple and google app store TOS’s. at least that’s what i read when Elon first floated the idea to remove blocking, that if he did he would be picking a fight with both companies marketplaces because they guarantee that in their TOS.