Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

It only takes one. Once they found out they could be both racist and sexist in a single term, they were off to the races.

“You mean I can insinuate that all brown people and women arent suited for their jobs AND that corporations should hire only white men for executive positions at the same time? Sign me up!”

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My answer would be “How the fuck should I know?”. There have been times Elon personally interviewed every applicant. If you impressed him you were in, that’s it. That wouldn’t keep him from later publicly telling you you were shit and firing your unmeritorious ass.


Ok but this is what like 99% of hiring for diversity means

I mean, I have literally seen a situation where the CEO said “I will only consider a minority for this (very senior) job.” That’s pretty annoying, flame away.

Of course Elon and the gang are starting from the premise that all non white males are presumably unqualified, that’s obviously just total Nazi shit so fuck them.

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Its really quite remarkable. Just check out some of the replies to that pilot.

“We don’t want just people who can pass the standard, we want A+ people”

Ok great, how many pilots do you think are A+? Do any minorities fit into that category? How many pilots are you willing to lose for being A ranked instead of A+? Are you willing to wait weeks for a flight because only 10% of current pilots are A+ and only bringing them on is going to reduce the number of flights available by 90%? Are the companies willing to raise salaries/benefits for pilots in order to bring the A+ pilots who have chosen to go into private flying?

None of this shit is ever considered in these discussions. Its always “black lady made hard landing, she obviously wasn’t qualified and was only hired because black and lady just like all other black and or lady pilots” with no fucking backing at all


Meeting “qualification standards” and being the best person for a role are not the same things. Very few businesses are looking for the “best” person for every role, they are usually looking for the cheapest person who has the right qualifications. It’s amazing how many people are sure they were the best person for a job without knowing anything else but the job description…

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How many minorities were already in executive level jobs? Should the company be held responsible for the sins of the past? Isnt it possible a minority might make the best executive for a company with few minorities even if ( and this certainly isnt a given) that person isnt rhe most qualified? Is it possible the insight a minority might bring to the position is worth more than any other qualification?

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Was it director of minority outreach?

You wouldn’t know the answers to the last two questions unless they’re competing against the entire pool of applicants.

Not sure I follow. Setting aside diversity for the moment, Tom Newman didn’t answer the question. He can’t because he doesn’t know. The person who hired him couldn’t have answered either. I mean they can respond, but not really answer.

I think a lot of the arguments come from trying to apply a concept like diversity outside of a domain where it makes sense. If you take smaller and smaller partitions of the population, at some point the idea of diversity stops being useful. Do I care that riverman’s boss hires a minority for a specific job? Not really. Do I care if the Mavericks have a diverse team? Hmm, maybe. Do I care that the overall workforce is diverse? Definitely.

I think it makes sense to move the focus to the hiring process, as Cuban seems to be trying to do. As soon as you do, you find out nobody knows what’s going on.

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“I’m going to assume every black guy in business I meet is a diversity hire” is a thing Republicans have been saying my entire life and they’re never going to stop.


I assume every white guy in business I meet is a nepotism hire.


Yep. Let’s take professional sports as an example. Pure athletic ability (strength/speed/ agility, etc) can all be measured quite precisely and objectively. On top of that, teams spend millions of dollars trying to evaluate more subjective criteria that might make for a good player. They make relatively few player personnel decisions each year. They also invest a ton into individual player development once the player is signed.

And yet, they still blow it all the time by drafting the wrong guy, handing out an insane contract extension, or trading/cutting someone who ends up becoming a star at the next stop.

If so many mistakes can be made in that area, why would you ever think that there can be one objective standard for a random corporate job? But according to Elon and his crew, if the person who doesn’t work out is a woman or a person of color, the failure was clearly the result of hiring an “unqualified” candidate instead of the white dude (who will always succeed, ldo)


I can tell you with absolute 100% concrete certainty that all of the absolute biggest fucking idiots I work with are white guys that I’d love to load up into Elmo’s rocketship and launch into the sun. QED.


Financebro vibe

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Cuban’s being sarcastic to show that all the losers crying about how hiring should be “objective” rather than considering DEI are idiots… right?

To your point:


But shortly before draft day, a bright red flag emerged: Stroud had reportedly bombed a cognitive test that has been lauded for its uncanny ability to identify successful pros. In the freakout that followed, some pundits were convinced it meant that he was a surefire bust.

These days, any concerns about how Stroud performed on a neuroscience exam feel completely absurd. The 22-year-old, who was selected by the Texans with the No. 2 pick last April, just produced one of the best seasons ever for a rookie quarterback. Then he topped it by leading Houston to a 45-14 demolition of the Cleveland Browns in the opening round of the playoffs. If the Texans upset the No. 1 seed Baltimore Ravens this weekend to reach the AFC Championship, Stroud will likely be the main reason why.

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I don’t think so, I think that Cuban’s just arguing with morons on the internet with predictable results.

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NFL should develop a cognitive test for QB prospects that’s just wearing a VR helmet that show a QB perspective under center or in shotgun and the prospect has to read and call out coverages or other defensive alignments.

Edit: Or maybe just make them do it in Madden, would still be more predictive than the wonderlic

I confess I don’t know how billionaires think. There’s some sarcasm and condescension thrown in, but he at least seems to be making an argument. This is as opposed to Elon, who is just trying to win a fight.