Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

Are there any anti-Trump Republicans left in the House who could form a coalition with Democrats to maintain democracy in a super-close House?

What’s good with the mutants on Chief’s Planet? Hopefully meltdown city?

Lol, no

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All primaried/retired. They run a tight ship (unlike senate dems)


Also, @otatop for mod!

i can’t handle any more tossup races.

Why no more posts?

I am drinking wine and slangin’ hearts. Didn’t think the latter would be all that likely tonight. I am embracing the hopium

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I looked it up and Dan Newhouse of Washington and David Valadao of California made it to the general election after voting to impeach Trump.




They let Rachel and Kornacki take a breather and this nerd with glasses just doesn’t hit the same.

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chris hayes is awesome


I turned on Fox News to see how they’re covering stuff and saw them announce Spanberger’s win. They just talk about Pelosi. “Spanberger ran away from Pelosi in her campaign. But if you look at her record she voted with Pelosi and Pelosi’s extreme agenda” and on and on. Sometimes I forget the level of their obsession with Nancy over there.

You are of course correct; just trying to keep the vibe lol

I wonder if w/o the “shy Trump voter” the polls weren’t off as much towards D as expected.


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ban if you’re talking about Hayes. His wife is also awesome on Strict Scrutiny.

Not gonna lie Vance winning ruined the vibe in my solo living room watch party

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Yeah but like wasn’t he always winning? It’s Ohio

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