El Sapo and RiskyFlush 1v1 Film War

Eddie tries to get back in the game as Georgie C Scott, but ends up regaining the love of his youth, playing great pool, not hustling.


That’s a good point. He spends the whole movie hustling, but at the end, he says he doesn’t care if he loses this time or next. He’s back in it for the game.

It’s why TCOM should be preceded by The Hustler. Eddie only makes sense if you knew who he was. How Fats, Eddie, and Vince (all great talents) were corrupted.

Well, it’s time for the vote.

My fourth favorite film is No Country for Old Men, which we held a watch party for earlier in the week.


So here we go.

Place your vote for the FOURTH BEST FILM OF ALL TIME

  • No Country for Old Men
  • The Color of Money
0 voters

You’re right. We should watch it again next year and do that as a double feature.

May 3 | Sunday | 7pm EST | JERRY MAGUIRE

Oh this is gonna be good

Wow, Jerry Maguire was almost 25 years ago? Holy shit.

You said fuck

Let’s go

Let’s start with an off-screen coke fueled writing binge, shall we?

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Been forever since I watched this.

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Just realized I think Trump is having a town hall right now. Well I hope if people get fed up following along on Unstuck that they come watch this perfect sports movie.

Jerry O’Connell all growed up

I can’t watch that shit.

264 phone calls a day?
shoot me

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I don’t watch it. Most here have given up too. But we do follow the Daniel Dale bot thread for his coverage and fact checks.

No evidence of anything except this guy is a sensational athlete!

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forgot about this montage of badness

I wonder what the movie would have been like if it had focused on hockey instead of football.