Education, all levels

A group of Cobb County parents actually staged a protest to try to get the school district to let the kids go back. jfc

People are so fucking freaked out that kids don’t get to have in-person school. I certainly understand the problems if parents don’t have jobs where they can work from home or they don’t have the proper technology - those are real issues. But these parents losing their shit because “my child can’t get proper instruction online” or “it’s not healthy to not be around other people” are out of their minds.

The worst is one parent in this FB group I’m on who said that her children’s future is threatened because of they can’t have in-person instruction. Lady, they are in fucking middle school.

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New argument among the local parents: Maybe if you care so much about this stupid virus, you should care more about cops:


agreed, my sister has 3 kids and is sending them all back even though she doesn’t work and doesn’t need to. Her justification as much as i could tell was that her youngest, 6, has a really hard time staying on task or something like that…

I mean, shit, my 11-year old has a hard time staying on-task unless it’s something he wants to do. Starting middle school is going to be a hell of a time for him. But you know what? I’m going to MAKE him stay on task and he’ll figure it out. He’s a smart kid.

Everyone is going to have to work harder. These are strange times.

Yea its just laziness man, my wife is going to have to work with all 3 of ours every day but come on, the alternative is a high % that your whole family might get a disease that could kill one of the parents. Nah, just roll the dice…

Facebook is such poison. It is kerosene. These morons would never even think of this BS independently, but put them together on a “(Insert suburban place) Moms” FB Group and they will inevitably spread intellectual MEGA-AIDS, with disastrous actual real world consequences. Imagine being a school board person and having to deal with this shit!

As a grizzled veteran of spotting how people lie with graphs, that is impressive. Like, how is that even supposed to be scaled? Do the bars represent how much time has elapsed, 10 years vs 5 months?

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It’s weighted to account for how blue lives matter and black lives don’t.


Just to be clear - I made that graph to illustrate the relative importance people are placing on each one. LOL at most people being able to make a graph at all - they just yell “HOW DO YOU KNOW THE NUMBERS ARE REAL?” and “WHAT ABOUT THE COPS?” over and over.

Also, what NBZ said.

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Thread is gold

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Lol, you got me, I totally thought this was actually posted on Facebook.

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These are the people who will convince our board to open the schools. Posted today.



I genuinely wish I could live life in a state of such ignorant oblivion.

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A couple of months ago my dentist called to reschedule and I feigned complete ignorance as to why. She was like, "You probably know we’ve had to cancel appointments. I said, “Oh, how come, what’s going on?”

There was a long pause.

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It’s like one of my favorite types of jokes, that only works if you are completely sincere. If someone tells you a news story that’s super gruesome like “Hey man, did you hear that they found a guy in the Wendy’s dumpster? His arms and legs were missing.” And you respond with “Oh my god, is he ok?”

The majority of people in my community are sending their kids back to in person school. Many are saying kids are immune and the media is making it up. Absolutely infuriating and I’m fighting the urge to wish bad outcomes on these fucking morons.

In a huge switch in the last 24 hours, we are now likely to send our kids in person. The district’s remote option as of today is literally 50% of what in person people are getting. I think what happened is that more people than expected signed up for remote and now they’re gutting it last minute. Wife and I are livid.

There is no good choice here. It shouldn’t have been hard to make online a reasonable option. But now it’s not. So I’m more likely going to be an asshole sending his kids to school. On my phone now and will edit in details later.

That sucks. Did you consider keeping them home anyway given the strong likelihood of in person school getting shut down?

This, maybe go through the steps of registering as a home school?