Education, all levels

lol no. even harvard kids aren’t “accomplished “ at 17.

sideburn: patents are a joke.

It’s been 25 years since I applied for university in Canada so I assume its changed. But when I went they basically let in anyone that graduated from high school. A huge percentage flunked out by Xmas in year one but one semester of tuition was only a couple thousand bucks so not a huge deal.

the thing you’re missing here is that they are admitting a much smaller group (proportionally) than they did 30 or 50 years ago (incoming freshman class at harvard has essentially be a fixed number for billions of years) and they don’t have any trouble finding “smart students” out of the elite group. Sure, they’ll find a couple of extreme outliers from the rabble to let in, and yes, occaionally they burn a spot on some legacy dipshit like Kushner, but overall they’re not letting in complete dumbasses and for a (relatively) unremarkable middle class kid with 1500 SAT you’re basically fucked.

I definitely get that. All I’m saying is there is a limit to how low they can go.

Maybe having colleges as brands is a bad thing

Sure, but what can be done about that?

given how constrained the supply is compared to demand, they aren’t even close to the bottom.

tax the fuck out of endowments unless they use them to expand the size of incoming classes

this won’t stop them from being “brands” but will put a huge dent in them making themselves LUXURY brands


your acquaintances notwithstanding, vast majority of 17yo are not like that. even at harvard.

15 percent is ridic high. I think you might be using “like that” a good bit more liberally than VFS.

i don’t want to be a douche by bringing up my diploma, but yes i went to a lesser ivy, and had dozens of friends at mit/harvard afterwards while i worked in cambridge. what you are describing are overachievers who happened to be noticed in high school, and took advantage of those opportunities. but it’s not a rule. many people are simply good students and don’t truly blossom until well after college admissions.

Bolded was my point. But even that dent you’re talking about would take a generation to make.

yeah? ok so do nothing? I’m not ruling out additional ideas

imposter syndrome is real, but it’s also common that everyone in a group feels like an imposter, while the rest of the peers are impressed. group dynamics are as complicated as people are. :)


Best use of this meme ever?

This guy has absolutely no fucks to give.

It started strangely, but really took a turn at 3:30.

EDIT: And then again at 8:06.

Teach every year like it’s your last.

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i didn’t think your subject was crt. :stuck_out_tongue: