Education, all levels

You couldn’t make this shit up.


Jesus Christ

I believe passionately in the axiomatic right to free choice for all individuals and I also demand that we enslave teachers. Its just common sense.

Read an interview that the chairman of the teacher’s union gave and he didn’t seem too thrilled about the bits and pieces of the proposal to open schools by the Minister of Education here. The union chair wants teachers to be considered first line workers. That way, we can get covid tests and masks for free rather than pay for them ourselves. MoE said fuck that shit. The bit about how a covid outbreak in a single classroom wouldn’t warrant shutting out the entire school didn’t sit well either.

Thing is that the average public school teacher here is nearly 50 years old. A good chunk of them are in a high-risk category for covid19. So, it’s not just protecting the students but the teachers as well and it seems that the government isn’t really interested in protecting either.

Anyway, every principal here will be sent a manual two weeks prior to the school’s opening day. So it’s not a lot of time to prepare for any alternate plans if the ones in the manual are shit (which they probably will be). The timing is politically motivated since principals won’t have enough time to set up alternates that don’t involve opening the schools on time.

Depending on what the plans are, I wouldn’t be surprised if the teachers went on strike. Of course, they’ll get shit on for doing just as they would in America.

Lol that lawsuit. Upper middle class white people are so disgustingly entitled.

Yeah schools in the CR are definitely planning to go forward. Got my teaching schedule for the year.

I have no beef with school starting on time so long as there’s a plan to keep teachers and students safe. It isn’t as bad as America here. Hopefully, the plan is sensible and the union decides that going on strike will be unnecessary.

I start teaching college in-person again on Monday… I’ll do my best to keep everyone safe. Moving my classes outdoors immediately and then we’ll see how long we can manage from there. I’m essentially gambling that the college will have to shut down before the weather gets too cold for outdoor learning.

Both kids starting virtual school tomorrow. Should be interesting. They’ve thrown a ton of stuff at us in the last few days, but I think I have it all sorted out. The website/distance learning system looks pretty good and easy to use. We’ll just see if it functions correctly.

We also decided to let our 8th grader start gymnastics again for the first time since March. We’re enrolling her in a different gym because from what we heard, her old gym was not doing a good job with COVID safety. Word is that a few girls on one team caught the virus, but the gym didn’t do anything like shutdown to clean or whatever. One of my daughter’s friends went back for a day and then withdrew again. And apparently a coach quit because of the conditions.

My wife and daughter checked out a nearby gym, run by the county, and they were impressed. Said there was social distancing and everything looked sparkling clean. We told my kid that if she has any concerns or doubts that things are safe, she needs to tell us and we withdraw her.

Alright, kids are in 1st Period online…away we go.


Good luck. I hope it goes well.

My daughter starts kindergarten on Thursday. I almost cried watching the start of Toy Story 4 yesterday where the girl is so excited to start IRL kinder. It is what it is…

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My middle schoolers (6th and 8th grade) are nearing the end of their first day. Overall, pretty solid. Both had a teacher that had problems getting the Zoom video to work, so those classes were delayed by a few minutes, but other than that, smooth sailing on our end (except for an internet outage at our house, an ongoing issue for over a month).

My daughter doesn’t like virtual learning so far - she says it’s “exhausting.” It’s likely because she’s a nerd and likes school, so sitting in front of a computer for everything is tiring. My son hates school, but loves sitting in front of a computer all day, so he’s been fine with it so far. Plus, he just got a new computer.

Some parents in a Facebook group have had a lot more trouble than we did. A few even said their kids couldn’t get into any classes. Helpful hint if you are doing virtual school: disable pop-up blockers.

The distance learning package our school district is learning looks pretty good, fairly easy to navigate.

Saw a line of about a hundred kids waiting to get into a dinning hall on the local campus with a large group packed in at the front door trying to stay dry from the rain. This is not going to go so well…

Got to say it feels like the big wigs are mostly just winging it and hoping for the best with little well thought out plans.

Double edge sword. Get laid off if they all go home or stay and watch the cases rise in my little town and risk life and limb. They really should wait until a vaccine…

How schools will work in the Czech Republic

By the time one kid shows symptoms, there are probably a dozen others who already have it. Man this is all so shortsighted. It’s only a matter of time before schools get shut down.

Takes a certain kind of person to make decisions like these fully aware that a number of children will be permanently disabled or even killed as a result of them.

Welp, Zoom is down all over the world. What could possibly go wrong with schools of all levels relying upon a software company that basically no one had heard of 3 years ago?

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Maybe we can finally take advantage of the Microsoft Teams app that always wants to launch when I turn on my computer!


I know you’re joking, but I honestly can’t understand how Zoom has jumped in to dominate an area that Microsoft should have owned for years.

It really is insane. How they did not have Skype ready and scaled for when WFH became a more regular thing is beyond me

Theyve had the IP for almost a decade and done absolutely nothing with it

Geez, drama around my school is like Cruel Intentions.

In the covid thread, I mentioned that more than half my class was out and the other half was all masks.

Apparently, a student that got pozzed in one class has a girlfriend in my class who may also have it. This explains why so many students were out of that class.

Thing is that somebody had to ask a student to find out all this. One would think that the teachers would receive this information from the administration since they’re supposed to know about all of this and be focused on keeping students as safe as they can. Yet, it’s the students (and likely their parents) who know more. Apparently, the sick student notified his teacher about it but none of the other teachers knew about it. Leads me to believe that either the teacher covered it up or that she hold the administration but they’re doing nothing either.

This is weird. Last week, we were warned about a student who didn’t even attend the school regarding covid because she partied with a few students who do attend. Yet, we aren’t warned about this?

I mean there’s nothing gained by hiding it and keeping the school open longer during a pandemic. It isn’t a private school or anything like that. Nobody pays tuition. One class and several teachers are already quarantined.