Editing Dahl and others

Fair enough. I’m bad at interpreting dense shows until like the 8th viewing.

My idea of what happened in The Sopranos is so far different from what it once was.

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i think my statement was just broad enough to include instances where one does not like the art or the artist

OK, if we take this as true, should Dahl’s heirs be prohibited from editing the book and publishing and profiting off a new edition? Or should they be free to do so, but you’d just advocate for people not to give them money?

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And a tangetial point that I’ve been focused on was how further edits of Dahl et al are like edits of the statues. Like, we don’t want our statues of slavers to look all mean and not nice. Change their face to a smile and have them making a thumbs-up. It’s utterly bizarre.

And ironically I’m not revved up about the censorship aspect (at least for the purpose of this debate), like, take all the stuff that offends your sensibilities and catapult it into the sun if you want. Throw saltwater in peoples’ eyes whilst they’re reading, go nuts.

To be clear that doesn’t mean if you like book edits you love slavery. It’s just an analogy to highlight the absurdity. That’s the entire point of analogies. Compare it to this:

“Editing Dahl books like this in this context is like… editing books by a different author like that in the same context!”

That doesn’t really, like, you know, work, as an analogy.

it was the best of times, it was the best of times

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He did seem to take issue with the Israeli state murdering Lebanese. Anyone that would criticize Israeli state action is outrageously evil.

One hundred years from now, the esteemed authors of our time will be universally maligned for reasons we can’t even begin to imagine today. I suspect some will be “edited” because they ate meat.

hey guys did you hear that Pac-Man stopped calling the ghosts {checks notes} “trifling little bitches”?

Anyhow, the reason I know all of this is bullshit is because The Chronicles Of Narnia is still in print, and that shit is basically a Christian Identitarianism manifesto.

Even the ladies, just big old fat muslim terrorist beards.


Imagine the absolute disconnect with reality you must possess to think you can just talk to me like you’re people.


He means you’re subhuman because you don’t see things the same way he sees things. Because this is a really great message board.

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A fine assessment indeed! However, let’s see what ol’ chatGPT has to say about that:

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No wonder you mfs believe this shit will take over the world.
