Editing Dahl and others

How can I be mad when your posts are such a trip

Alternate if-you-insist: what’s pathetic about that analogy? I assume you mean pathetically non-apt.

Bear in mind Cassette wasn’t actually gatekeeping anything.

That’s what I’ve been saying but then we look at the post that prompted this and well.


Trolly seems pretty Big Mad though right? Lol look at how furious he is over what’s supposed to be a cutesy play on words of a somewhat famous phrase.

I must admit I’m kind of surprised so few people seemed to get the no gods no masters reference on a ‘left-leaning’ forum

You have it backwards. I totally can see it being weird, but ultimately it’s just not uncommon or that big of a deal for new editions of things to have changes from previous or original versions. Especially when the nefarious purpose is… getting rid of racist material. Meanwhile your side is freaking out about this as if it was the end of freedom of speech. And that it should literally be illegal for copyright holders to edit the thing that they own.

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Mf saw “Give Peas A Chance” with like a bowl of the spheroid green garden peas and stroked out lol, muttering about cool-ass freshmen and what not.

sounds like you just don’t value performative art. :performing_arts:

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail :: if all you have is Wookie’s chatGPT approach to art, everything is a confederate statue

nice find. another novel that was edited and published WITHOUT author’s permission!

Hopefully this isn’t throwing gas on a drama fire, but would it be appropriate to extend this analogy to people who do and don’t read/write scientific/medical literature as part of their career and each group’s respective thoughts about the science of COVID?

Yes, science should be left to scientists.

Of course you shouldn’t weigh a plumber or medical doctor’s opinion with the same degree of seriousness as someone who does relevant research as their career and is immersed in the relevant literature and scientific techniques.

A doctor probably knows more than a plumber about illnesses.

What did I type to make you think that? (and before you say it’s a joke, what did I type to make you make a joke in that direction as opposed to any other?)

That was just the springboard, now it’s more about being blown away that a bunch of people don’t understand valuing art and artistic creation as a concept.


For a second I thought VFS did understand the concept and just disagreed, which is fine in one sense. But after that last post I’m not so sure.

lol from the mouths of babes


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Not to worry, you’re all wrong ITT imo. Cleared that up for you :slightly_smiling_face:

I am pretty sure I outrank everyone here with my career and success in publishing so I’ll just tell y’all to sit down and be quiet

Oh wait that’s gatekeeping

Let the hot takes continue!