Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I like this a bit better than the @pvn theory even though the end result is the same.

I’ve been wondering the exact same thing.

Depressed people show signs of depression is quite the discovery by Elon.

I don’t understand this theory, he’s been saying he was going to sell a chunk for a while, now he’s put a big dent in it (because the market is pricing in the risk he’s creating with this financing deal) before he sold any.

from reddit

also note that if he thinks TSLA is about to drop big time, then this is absolutely the dumbest possible play, because by mortgaging the stock (which is what the morgan stanley financing deal is) he’s putting everything at risk. If the stock does in fact have a big drop, MS can (and WILL) forcibly sell the mortgaged shares, creating even more downward pressure on TSLA price. a 30-40% drop in TSLA (a very possible correction given the run it’s had) could easily turn into a 80% drop because of this.

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I feel people are trying to make Musk too clever by thinking of sneaky reasons he’s doing this with Twitter. Most likely, he’s just a rich idiot clicking buttons and decided one day he wanted Twitter. If it is a ruse for something else, he’s a huge moron as he’s going to pay $1 billion when he drops the Twitter acquisition.


Yeah, does Elon have anyone who’s not a yes man? And everything he has ever done seems driven by emotion and ego-feeding. He’s not Warren Buffet or Eric Seidel rationally grinding it out.

I’ve blown up lots of stuff in my life when in emotionally weird places. Maybe he’s just pushing things and can’t stop himself

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Check out how this exchange is being reported.

I like the last one, just “stop hitting on me” with no explanation whatsoever lol


right wing Elon Musk OWNS AOC on twitter

left wing AOC OWNS elon on twitter

god I hate this crap

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It’s easy to say they learned nothing from how they covered Trump

But it’s worse than that

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Yeah it’s annoying how AOC is portrayed as left wing

I am on the side that I still think this is going to happen.

Elon and AOC? No way!

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Free speech :cn:

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US bullshit, we can build and order directly from the manufacturer’s site for almost all brands here :confused:

this is the most likely difference between current twitter and Musk twitter imo. China gonna have even more influence over Musk because of Tesla